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First time using fucked up :( super noob

by /u/dior710 · 0 votes · 2021-10-11 12:31:00

First time using Monopoly and placed an order with /u/BXCocaine my goto latley so i had to switch to monopoly, Cut a long story short i sent xmr from a wallet that doesn't provide mke with a secret TX key to confirm payment. i didnt scroll down to see dont pay yet i just saw the wallet addy and sent it felt real fucking dumb when i scrolled down. The payment has gone through to the address and i have the xmr transaction ID, Monopoly order ID/code just not the TX key to actually confirm the payment. I feel like a idiot cause i already lost $900 a few months back from fishing site and i know this is all on me. I already sent a screenshot and with the payment error for manual review but wondering if i budex could help or a admin with my problem.

Comments (2)
/u/BXCocaine · N/A votes · 11th October, 2021 - 15:35 · Link

Submit it for manual review. Do not worry to much im sure you are not the first and will not be the last to do this. The admins will help you. They encourage all new users to read the starting guid at the top of the page. once you learn once you will be a pro!

/u/dior710 · N/A votes · 12th October, 2021 - 01:35 · Link

I had sent a manual review not even 5 mins after and the timer ran out. Just did a order recovery hope to get the ball rolling soon!

/u/nastythoughts · N/A votes · 11th October, 2021 - 13:02 · Link

Contact the support, be insulted by the disgusting arrogance of the shithead admin and never use monopoly again! I wish best luck to get back your funds anyway!

/u/DaddyKappa · N/A votes · 12th October, 2021 - 00:48 · Link

I had over 1k in limbo for a month bc the vendor never sent my order. The admin was the only reason I got my money back. Learn to follow instructions and be respectful to others and maybe you wouldn't see them as a shithead? Just an idea.