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Monero OPSEC 2024

by /u/localnoderunner · 0 votes · 2024-05-07 14:42:00


  • You can use the same address for publicly reveiving donation for example, but when you privately receive XMR (trough a DM, a swap on an instant exchange, when withdrawing from a CEX throwaway account): Think to create a new sub-address each time.

Are you operating a service using monero deposits ?
  • Create a sub-account per account who needs to deposit in XMR to never leave the same address to a customer.

Are you operating a service using monero withdrawals ?
  • Ban monero address-reuse if you're forced to store them (normally you should store nothing if you can).


This is completely optionnal due to monero ringsignatures, but you still can isolate outputs you're going to spend, if you consider them too young (or not) to be spent.

  • Use Monero over Tor. Normally all known wallets (Feather, Cake, Stack, MySu) haves an optionnal feature for.
  • If you dont want to use Tor (wich is very bad), use nodes using https or making possible to verify their cert fingerprints (and use a vpn/proxy shit youre justifying to not use tor).
  • Use your own node if you want fast blockchain sync, no backlog and more anonymity ( tuto: /post/dae78f3c0c8f0ad023a7 )

On-chain opsec for targeted services or individuals

When you receive lots of monero, wich they all can be reported from their sender or because it were an undercover spy (creating poisoned outputs):
  • You better should consolidate everything while making donations to some projects to create new unknown outputs.
  • After that, keep using Monero as a currency with directories like cryptwerk (activate XMR filter on) and monerica or kycnot and use burner-phone/email per spending ( /d/OpSec ).
  • You optionnaly can randomly churn your transactions, but be sure that's randomly made (not each morning, you create a timezone fingerprint)

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