
N/A subscribers


So how are people feeling about the new session group Poll

by /u/NorthOfTheNeXus · 0 votes · 5th August, 2023 14:51

Question: Should we keep it or just stick to dread?
Stick with Dread only
or unsure
Voting on this Poll concluded 8 months ago

Comments (5)
/u/NorthOfTheNeXus · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 17:50 · Link

just in case anyone missed it here is the session group info ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Darknet AUS: https://darksogs.onionstew.network/darknetaustralia?public_key=e4b1602f782c8bcf3e303c3fc1975c6f7e6700b774c5f3ede0fd2093c07b5038 Rules For The Session Darknet Australia Group: 1) Hello Australia, please feel welcome to discuss any business that follows the non-aggression principle. Thank you 2) Dont be a Cunt (Unless you're a cunt) Treat others as you wish to be treated. Remember: we all started somewhere. Help newbies, give them a link to a guide or briefly explain to them what they're doing or not doing, or simply don't engage with them at all if you have nothing productive to add. This covers toxic trolling as well. Defined by the following: > Anyone that deliberately harasses a user, market, or vendor. > Anyone that constantly and persistently posts vitriolic comments/threads. > Anyone that consistently spreads misinformation, especially if it could be dangerous to the community. 3) Don't create FUD posts without some sort of backing. I know you guys get paranoid and pass rumors but just because AussieCunt69WeedSlayer says something doesn't mean you should always believe it. This includes fearmongering, chaos, panic, anxiety and rumor spreading. "Spreading rumors and writing statements that instigate people against the enemy." That is a quote right from the Al-Qaeda Handbook... Don't be a terrorist guys... 4) Do not request or attempt to sell any guns Shouldn't have to be said but, almost everybody selling or sourcing guns is LE. Even if they aren't, chances are the reason they can't get guns legally is because it's only going to be used for shady purposes. 5) No Direct Deals done in this group chat And if you do a direct deal elsewhere and get scammed dont come and cry here! and always use escrow 6) Safety first! Due to the prying eyes of Law Enforcement there will be NO sharing of your own or someone else's personal information whatsoever. NO sharing of information that could hurt them or our community. Any sensitive information MUST be sent using PGP encryption. 7) Dont spam the group with ads, some are ok just keep it to 1 per week

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 20:53 · Link

[removed by moderators]

/u/acquok · N/A votes · 6th August, 2023 - 00:25 · Link

[removed by moderators]

/u/thenation · N/A votes · 6th August, 2023 - 08:48 · Link

Maybe if the Session group had an identity completely separate from this sub, it wouldn't be so bad. But I have to agree that it sets a bad precedent - this sub, and Dread as a whole, exists to serve the very purpose you state for this group chat. By maintaining a Session chat, external of Dread, you're diverting conversations and contributions that would otherwise be made here to a mobile app which takes no more effort to download than Instagram or TikTok. At least I know that anyone I'm speaking with here on Dread had enough competence to securely get here in the first place, which is something that couldn't be said for any group chat on a messenger app. Y'all are gonna do whatever y'all are gonna do. I don't agree with it. It seems reckless, especially considering that if this was promoted/established by anyone else who isn't a mod, then that user would be banned and this conversation wouldn't even be ongoing. Just my two cents, not a fan. So I won't be using it. I wouldn't encourage others to use it. Easy as that.

/u/Mrimpossible · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 15:01 · Link


/u/HighGradeMasters · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 16:54 · Link

u can easily run Session on desktop thru Tor, doesnt have to be mobile

/u/NorthOfTheNeXus · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 15:23 · Link

I knew u would b the first commenter... Dood have u even had a look at the group.. if not dont comment pls there are NO DD's done and its banned from the group.. yes there were probs with the black n white app... this is not that!! its been running for 5 days or so now (30 odd members) and it has been better for the community (imho) with asking simple Q's or looking for direction on HR or right vendor...etc. also about "Some users do not care about the risk of their activities" well thats up to there risk profile, most are not vendors and their risk can b reduced with tails or qubes. and i have never said im a "guru moderator" i said im a newbie but have other idea and think we should evolve!! but saying that i have diff idea to the other mods like /u/dontlaugh... your best friend "Mobile apps has never been the right way." yes this was a problem in the past and could b a prob in the future but this group is dif and is only an extension to this subdread and im a admin/mod on it and can ban or remove comments that could b harmful to the community. Do your research about session be4 commenting more on it make you look stupid or paranoid!!! Our group has nothing to do with DD's and none has happend over the past 5 days to my knowledge. Also you are always welcome to join if u want... if not thats all good too Regards North

/u/rambouk2uk · N/A votes · 4th September, 2023 - 01:22 · Link

yes 100% :)

/u/Mrimpossible · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 17:00 · Link


/u/HighGradeMasters · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 17:04 · Link

who said anything about Windows?? Whonix, Qubes, doesnt work for Tails tho

/u/NorthOfTheNeXus · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 17:53 · Link

mate, keep it up and i will ban u from this sub...

/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 6th August, 2023 - 10:13 · Link

Bruv chill out yeah, /u/Mrimpossible has a point every MOD was against DDs and encrypted apps. What is this abuse of power?

/u/whocares123 · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 22:42 · Link

Just ban him, him and his alts have been trolling here for a while now. He was banned from here and his al u/fudpolice from /d/reviewsoz for trolling other vendors threads. He is slightly mentally unstable so be careful he might just end up having a breakdown again or start with his yoda refrences again (no sure whats worse)

/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 7th August, 2023 - 07:04 · Link

Stop being a suckup and open your eyes /u/whocares123 the real members was ALWAYS against encrypted apps.... Please don't forget where you came from this is DNAUS not SessionAUS stop being a lunatic and blindly agreeing with North.

/u/whocares123 · N/A votes · 7th August, 2023 - 10:44 · Link

blah blah blah. Everyone is responsible for their own OPSEC. Would I use it? No Do I care if anyone else does? Fuck No Am I going to make a fuckton of posts crying about? No again... see where I'm going here Times have changed, most of the youngens these days use snapchat and other apps to buy sell / drugs everyday all over Australia. Is LE going to give a shit about a few dread stragglers using session app? AS long as nobody is buying selling kilos of cocaine and vendors like inc are not on it - LE aren't going to give two Fucks, they don't realy have resources to de anonymize a couple of dread users buying personal shit. If they got caught it will be a warning and not worth their time. They are 100% here anyway reading this right now on this sub. Anyway Mrimpossible when he was venetiansnares was selling over wickkkker, he has no idea what he talking about. Half these fuckers venetiansnares included where openly tailing drug talk on reddit before dread was even a thing.

/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 7th August, 2023 - 11:10 · Link

Promoting it while it is against sub rules and values. ^This is when i have a problem with it^

/u/Mrimpossible · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 16:49 · Link


/u/NorthOfTheNeXus · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 16:58 · Link

d00d just keep it up with the FUD or bullshit and i will ban u from our sub... just try me! im not dontlaugh.

/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 7th August, 2023 - 06:59 · Link

Also i am very upset that i voted for you to sit here and abuse power to fellow vendors. Your a MOD and suppose to be keeping buyers and vendors on a even plain... You abusing power shows your true colours, knowing this now i would of never voted for you to be on the team. I ALWAYS stand for the AUS community buyers and vendors!

/u/nugget · N/A votes · 9th August, 2023 - 23:11 · Link

Gettiing all odd in here, Threats to ban /u/Mrimpossible, for FUD, which I cant see, Unravelling years of OpSec by suggesting mobile app's etc What's the big boss say about all this, /u/hugbunter /u/paris Any comment's or advice?

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 10th August, 2023 - 00:13 · Link

Unravelling years of OpSec by suggesting mobile app's etc COMPLETELY AGREE. I said pretty much this, word for word to someone last week discussing how so many vendors are primarily using Telegram now. It's fucking crazy. I can't stop what people do, only give advice. While I don't think this shit with session is the best idea, its not something banned by any means on the platform and we don't interfere with individual subs, its up to their Mods how they manage it etc, they essentially own it with the only restrictions being the site-wide rules. That's not to say I won't consider a ban of some sort in the future, there's a balance that I don't want to tip in terms of free speech duties here, but there is also a duty of care. Free speech is one intention of this platform, but OpSec is also a primary function.

/u/nugget · N/A votes · 10th August, 2023 - 00:21 · Link

Thanks for the reply mate, good to see solid Opsec advice. /u/Mrimpossible /u/weirdasf1

/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 10th August, 2023 - 07:04 · Link

This is against our values that have been there for ages.... I believe North has to be delt with as this is a massive opsec risk, there is a post about a user doing a direct deal in real life with someone on the session dnmaus group which is fucking insane what have we come too. This is NOT FUD! /post/841384ae1ae373e02489 Also CHECK MOD LOGS northofnexus is unsticking all these posts???

/u/whocares123 · N/A votes · 12th August, 2023 - 01:30 · Link

I didn't believe that story for 1 minute bro.A poster with 1 post to thier name decides to come on Dread to post that as a first ever post. Don't be so stupid it was a /u/Mrimpossible alt, the same guy that spammed the session group with with Gay porn and CP. Thats what he does.

/u/weirdaf1 · N/A votes · 6th August, 2023 - 10:17 · Link

Your joking right? Has /u/Mrimpossible broken any rules? This is straight abuse of power.

/u/snortingsteve · N/A votes · 6th August, 2023 - 17:39 · Link

Agreed was a lot calmer when I didn't laugh 😉

/u/NorthOfTheNeXus · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 17:47 · Link

i wounder how many alt's fudpolice can get on his side

/u/whocares123 · N/A votes · 5th August, 2023 - 22:43 · Link

/u/dontlaugh has a list of his alts. I stopped keeping track at his /u/coolbro alt.

/u/M3V · N/A votes · 6th August, 2023 - 02:13 · Link

I don't trust Session due to info in my other posts.