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Vendor Review - Bodhitree + Mod Escrow

by /u/Dimeowtri2020 · 0 votes · 2024-05-07 05:52:00

Market : Mod Escrow

Product : 10g Pans

Price : 12500inr

Comms : 9/10 (replies once a day)

Quantity: Weighed @ 10g Perfectly

Stealth (packaging): 10/10 multiple seals and visual barriers.
(Since it is on sessions, u can get PGP key from dread for address. It may not be necessary but it doesn't hurt to be careful)

Actual Packing: 8/10 No vacuum seal, but otherwise it was packed alright.

T2D : 6 days t1. Fucking post man marked it as delivered a day before and gave both of us a heart attack, so as a user/vendor if your parcel says delivered, just check the PO since most of these chuts are incompetent and lazy asf.

Mod Escrow : 10/10. quite straightforward. Personally i still prefer market ordering because I usually place orders at ungodly hours of the day and the mod may not be available, however I get the need for it and tbh there's nothing to complain about.

Quality and nudes will be updated on the weekend.

Thanks /u/Bodhitree and apologies for any confusions.

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