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Another path question about XMR

by /u/IllllIIIllI · 0 votes · 6th January, 2021 08:09

Hey, I just wanted to know how do I send the XMR from my clearnet wallet to my feather wallet without writing the feather wallet address on a piece of paper ? Or do I have to write it down ? My path would be Kraken > ClearNet wallet > FeatherWallet > WHM/DarkMarket
Thanks in advance. !

Comments (2)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 6th January, 2021 - 08:39 · Link

Just copy your feather wallet address to a text file and use that for your clearnet wallet systems. Don't write it down. Monero addresses are easy to fuck up on. Copy and paste. Let the computer do the dirty work.

/u/InDgeNtA · N/A votes · 6th January, 2021 - 16:29 · Link

I just copy it into the text editor on tails, save the file in persistent, move it to a USB, and then copy that into my clearnet wallet on another machine to send. It's a little cumbersome but it's the best method I can find.