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Anyone remember that lad that got banged up in Thailand?

by /u/KeithLemon · 0 votes · 11th July, 2018 20:12

What happened to him?

From what I remember he rented a motorbike and went up to the mountains with a couple of trips. Crashed the bike and tried to leave the hotel without paying and get got nabbed at the airport. He was live posting in his cell.

Anyone remember?

Comments (2)
/u/boofingsizzurp420 · N/A votes · 11th July, 2018 - 20:22 · Link

DNMcunt? wasn't there a thing where he came back and posted about cats or something? Edit: yea here⚠️ he is

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 12th July, 2018 - 02:59 · Link

I believe he posted in /r/darknetmarkets following the cat post to update everyone, it won't be visible due to the banning but it will likely be included in Gwern's post archive, unless it was early this year, I cannot remember.

/u/Goatfucker · N/A votes · 12th July, 2018 - 03:58 · Link

He did an AMA on reddit under a new username about a month ago. I stumbled upon it and there is no way it isn't him. The timeline and events match up and he references posting on a "certain subreddit" while it was all happening. https://www.reddit.com/r/AMA/comments/8rjlrt/i_spent_a_year_in_a_bangkok_prison_ama/

/u/Dreaddite · N/A votes · 12th July, 2018 - 16:13 · Link

I would love to read a recent interview with Variety Jones.

/u/oniongovernance · N/A votes · 14th July, 2018 - 22:51 · Link

I sincerely hope that he is still alive, because alleged traffickers are usually executed by lethal injection in Thailand. Last year, they issued a death sentence against Antonio Bagnato, who had killed a former Hells Angel: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/crime/australian-drug-dealer-sentenced-death-9774389