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How find pedophiles for phishing them ?

by /u/steph-franco · 0 votes · 2024-04-27 11:11:00

I want to phishing pedophiles but I don't know how find them easily. How to attract them ? Is there an automated bot tool on Internet to search for them ?

Comments (5)
/u/TheInfoMerchant · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 11:37 · Link

"How to attract them?" Well... I think that answer is obvious (hint: you are on the social engineering sub) but you may not like it

/u/weedboy420420 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 13:15 · Link

there is so many phishing pedo sites, if not all xd dont forget to type u accept only bitcoin. Wanted to catch these guys irl and blackmail but man how can i make a legit fake 15 year old profile :(

/u/IvanKalita · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 13:20 · Link

National sex offender registry is open to public

/u/Satoshi1312 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 16:18 · Link

if you want to destroy pedo forum, just report links + pw to file hosters and they will delete it within 4 hours. Files are in clearnet, and without files, forum is dead. I did it for a long time, but I came to the conclusion that I m fighting against windmills. I delete, they restore. So what I did next, I reloaded tor circuit untill i broke encryption. I knew who they are and they knew who I am. So I went to police and reported myself to police. I said, that I've downloaded child porn for many years and that I deleted all, because I m not into child porn. Police investigated against me, and I investigated against police. But police believed a lie. They believed that I'm into child porn. They raided my home and confiscated 5 hard drives as it's written on the document. But they took 7 hard drives. 2 hard drives were invisible for police. 2 years later a lawyer called me and told me, that he made a deal and Investigation is stopped. I told him, that I lead the Investigation and that I do not make deals. He told me that child porn has been restored on my hds and that I have to prove my innocence. Thats the answer I wanted to hear: who restores the files. Noone can prove his innocense. Every lawyer knows that. It wasnt my lawyer, it was the lawyer of police. I cant prove my innocense, but I can prove police's innocense. They believed a lie, that I'm into child porn. I can falsify this, thats why police had to believe, that they re into child porn. Child porn forums are hosted by police. Police is noone. Noone hosts childporn. If you see childporn in darknet, you believe police.

/u/Kyanite · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 16:28 · Link

what the fuck? you had me with those first couple of sentences, but after that it was like watching someone try to snitch on themselves without actually snitching on themselves, while also not making much sense.

/u/Satoshi1312 · N/A votes · 27th April, 2024 - 17:34 · Link

I know my post doesnt make sens for all, it makes sens for noone. Noone reads here. Noone is police. All are friends.

/u/mkiii3v · N/A votes · 28th April, 2024 - 07:24 · Link

Just pretend you are a 14 year old girl. They will come naturally