
N/A subscribers



by /u/TestAuthenticator Β· 0 votes Β· 5th March, 2023 03:04

Thanks to funding from /d/Test4Pay I've been given the opportunity to make undercover purchases for the purpose of lab testing.

This is an INTERNATIONAL vendor but shipped to Australia, so we will process it as every other submission.

I've sent off 1 sample from /u/WeAreAMSTERDAM's product range to www.getyourdrugstested.com which is listed below.

β–‘β–€β–€β–ˆβ–€β–€β–‘β–ˆβ–€β–€β–‘β–ˆβ–€β–€β–‘β–€β–ˆβ–€β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–€β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–’β–ˆβ–€β–€β–ˆβ–‘β–ˆβ–€β–€β–„β–‘ β–’β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–ˆ
β–‘β–‘β–’β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–€β–€β–‘β–€β–€β–„β–‘β–‘ β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–„β–„β–ˆβ–„β–‘β–’β–ˆβ–„β–„β–ˆβ–‘β–ˆβ–„β–„β–ˆβ–‘β–’β–ˆβ–„β–„β–ˆ
β–‘β–‘β–’β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–€β–€β–€β–‘β–€β–€β–€β–‘β–‘ β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘β–‘ β–’β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–‘β–‘ β–ˆβ–‘β–‘β–ˆβ–‘ β–„β–„β–„β–€


Lab TestπŸ§ͺ

4-MMC (Mephedrone) βœ… 4-MMC (Mephedrone)


βœ… (Advertised Substance >70%)
βœ… (% relative to advertised - "social grade")
⏺️ (Advertised substance <70%)
β›” (Advertised substance not present)

FTIR is not able to measure the purity of a sample. The technology functions by matching the measured sample to entries in a database of known substances. When multiple substances are detected, we report an estimated percentage of each. Purity analysis is exact, but requires the separation and comparison of each substance in a mixture. FTIR cannot do this. It tests your sample as a whole. This provides fast, easy to obtain results without altering your sample. FTIR comes with some limitations and has an estimated detection limit of about 5%. When only one substance is detected, we do not include it’s percentage. We also cannot determine its purity as there could be any combination of substances that we cannot detect below our 5% threshold. Percentages reported are not an accurate measurement of the exact amount of each substance. The technician estimates these percentages based on the spectrometer’s readings. Percentages therefore indicate an estimated amount of each substance in a mixture and still provide useful information to approach substance use safer. It is always good practice to try new batches around others and with a smaller tester dose first.

Test strips are positive when their target substance is present above the strip’s threshold. The fentanyl threshold is 20ng/mL, benzodiazepine is 300ng/mL and lysergamide is 50ng/mL. Test strips cannot differentiate between analogues. Test strips cannot determine the concentration of a substance. Two or more analogues could be present in the same sample (ex: fentanyl and carfentanil). Just because the strip is positive does not mean an analogue like carfentanil is not also present.
Before taking any drug, it helps to read up on its effects, dose and timeline. You should avoid using substances alone, and start with a small dose and go from there. Never share tools, and use fresh tools each time.

Comments (9)
/u/thefuzzy Β· N/A votes Β· 8th March, 2023 - 05:17 Β· Link

I am blown away that is actually got delivered

/u/TestAuthenticator Β· N/A votes Β· 8th March, 2023 - 06:47 Β· Link


/u/thefuzzy Β· N/A votes Β· 9th March, 2023 - 00:11 Β· Link

I've ordered some random products off "him" over the years - not one has arrived. And I've been really wanting to get some 4MMC in hmmmm.

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM Β· N/A votes Β· 9th March, 2023 - 16:14 Β· Link

Enjoy the high quality. X X X WeAreAMSTERDAM

/u/newbieforever2018 Β· N/A votes Β· 5th March, 2023 - 03:58 Β· Link

Excellent. Thank you

/u/YungAUZ5457 Β· N/A votes Β· 8th March, 2023 - 09:51 Β· Link

had 1 package land from this vendor still waiting at just under 2 weeks on 2 more bloke sells high quality products

/u/TestAuthenticator Β· N/A votes Β· 9th March, 2023 - 00:16 Β· Link


/u/YungAUZ5457 Β· N/A votes Β· 10th March, 2023 - 09:18 Β· Link

test ecstasy? if the package lands i could spare a couple

/u/Dop3yB3tch Β· N/A votes Β· 8th March, 2023 - 15:30 Β· Link

ordered his blue69 to NA well see if i get it, prices and products look very interesting,I'm hoping this transaction is smooth, i need a solid international vendor,even if shipping is a bit pricey, if it makes it (the prices more than make up for it and hopefully quality as well)

/u/Bosguy Β· N/A votes Β· 9th March, 2023 - 16:25 Β· Link


/u/LSJI Β· N/A votes Β· 10th March, 2023 - 05:31 Β· Link

I wouldn't trust this guy. I ordered abt 100 of his pills to aus twice and they took abt 1 month to come thru but on my last order (which I made about 2 months ago) he has been ignoring my messages. Another guy said he lost 5k on weareamsterdams dread, and the comment got deleted the next day

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM Β· N/A votes Β· 10th March, 2023 - 14:18 Β· Link

Hi bro, Where had you ordered? Kindly message us on our Vendorstore. X X X WeAreAMSTERDAM

/u/LSJI Β· N/A votes Β· 13th March, 2023 - 05:50 Β· Link

My name is the same on tor2dor you haven't responded to my last 2 messages I've sent and I ordered 2 and a half months ago

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM Β· N/A votes Β· 18th March, 2023 - 14:39 Β· Link

Hi bro, We reply to all messages on Tor2Door daily you can message us again. Or you can put your inquiry on our Vendorstore. amster4mdi4ls27irjhe3ul6hzha5itf6naifanpfbdbfybclbnqipyd.onion Mirrors: amster7eb42jwbx6umy7gs4migxnu5vjp5b5t5wbdtmqv2yhx3zsb7id.onion amster7ga6whqvoyt6dlxnhpe7cx7om7fh3tnldu5ecngbnd4o4zstqd.onion X X X WeAreAMSTERDAM

/u/giacomina Β· N/A votes Β· 10th March, 2023 - 07:28 Β· Link

horrible customer service. I uploaded bitcoins to my wallet and they never arrived. (i was not on a pishing site) i opened a ticket and sent several messages but no one answered me. lost a customer

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM Β· N/A votes Β· 10th March, 2023 - 14:10 Β· Link

Bro you get excellent service, >>You just dont get it. X X X WeAreAMSTERDAM i've sent money on this address bc1qr34qpl6nxy6tg3p8jfrt3csmd2xfqt2jgsp5vr but i don't see any credit on my wallet.... giacomina 3/9/2023 7:04:03 AM giacomina BTC bc1qr34qpl6nxy6tg3p8jfrt3csmd2xfqt2jgsp5vr 3/7/2023 6:04:43 PM Yes this is your legit btc address some asshole of the cloned site scammed us you and me. giacomina BTC bc1qr34qpl6nxy6tg3p8jfrt3csmd2xfqt2jgsp5vr 3/7/2023 6:04:43 PM Helpdesk 3/8/2023 6:52:23 PM Bro, your on a phising site (cloned) They copy our site and change your BTC address. Only use these Links of our site: You will see you have another BTC address. amster4mdi4ls27irjhe3ul6hzha5itf6naifanpfbdbfybclbnqipyd.onion Mirrors: amster7eb42jwbx6umy7gs4migxnu5vjp5b5t5wbdtmqv2yhx3zsb7id.onion amster7ga6whqvoyt6dlxnhpe7cx7om7fh3tnldu5ecngbnd4o4zstqd.onion Helpdesk 3/8/2023 6:51:55 PM i've sent the bitcoin to this address (the one that i've in my accounts wallet) bc1qdzeumyuvw3aydnys80lcyh6gdy3nrjdygpdlks, but i don't see my money. i've checked on bit2me and it looks you have received the bit coin. please help giacomina

/u/WeAreAMSTERDAM Β· N/A votes Β· 10th March, 2023 - 14:13 Β· Link

[removed by moderators]

/u/Dop3yB3tch Β· N/A votes Β· 22nd March, 2023 - 16:12 Β· Link

how long did it take your pack to land just wondering?

/u/TestAuthenticator Β· N/A votes Β· 22nd March, 2023 - 17:38 Β· Link


/u/Dop3yB3tch Β· N/A votes Β· 22nd March, 2023 - 23:13 Β· Link

okay on week 2-2.5 for 20ml of his blue 69.would yall even want a testing of that product if i were to send to gydt?

/u/TestAuthenticator Β· N/A votes Β· 23rd March, 2023 - 00:06 Β· Link


/u/Dop3yB3tch Β· N/A votes Β· 23rd March, 2023 - 00:38 Β· Link

ghb/mdma/speed paste/blue curucao