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❤️💊SEROTONININC: Ketamine Nasal Sprays, Amphetaine Sulfate re-listed, restocking LSD and Australia domestic MDMA! 💊❤️

by /u/SerotoninIncPR · 0 votes · 2024-04-25 14:28:00

☑️ 100% Positive Feedback
☑️ Same Day Shipping
☑️ Best Quality Products
☑️ 1000+ Sales on Many Markets

- Ketamine nasal sprays are in stock! These nasal sprays contain 2g of our indian ketamine in a 20ml bottle. The bottle has a saline spray label on it so you can discreetly enjoy your ketamine without any questions. Each bottle is just $79.
- We have a small batch of amphetamine sulfate remaining. Listings for amphetamine sulfate are back up but will not last long.
- LSD has sold out but we have a new batch already coming in. LSD listings should return shortly.
- We landed a load of MDMA in Australia. We will have Australia domestic MDMA listings at wholesale prices online on Abacus in a week.

We also have
☑️ Amphetamine Sulfate
☑️ 2cb Gummies
☑️ Hexen Crystals
☑️ Flubromazolam
☑️ Real Etizolam
☑️ Clonazolam
☑️ Needlepoint LSD
☑️Dutch MDMA
☑️Canadian MDMA
☑️Triple acetone washed MDMA

☑️ ABACUS /profile/4e16ae69955f17016a70c226
☑️ DRUGHUB /vendor/serotonininc
☑️ SUPER /s/2c4a37dd-86d6be00f9d2-af144a

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