
N/A subscribers


What precautions are in place if HugBunter goes?

by /u/amnesiaaaa · 0 votes · 4th April, 2022 14:50

This question is for /u/Paris

I'm just curious if you guys have any measures in place if HugBunter ever gets arrested or goes missing? What if the site goes offline, are you able to host it on a different server, can you still make updates to the site without HugBunter.

If it's one of those things you can't disclose until it happens I understand.

Comments (6)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 18:53 · Link

We have a deadman system in place and I am the one who runs the day to day maintenance of the dread cluster. He disappears a lot and the day to day items don't really change when he does. If I disappear then there is worry. My deadman is the one which redirects the onionbalance to go to the git. In the case that hug or me gets compromise there is little change the public would see. We include all alias information within the deadman message so it is possible to take over ones alias in those cases. Compromise disclosing is as simple as typing in a specific password on sign in or confirming in jabber with a predetermined message. It's very transparent and me saying it publicly might be completely fake and just designed to give plausible deniability when required. Nobody except those who need to know will know.

/u/amnesiaaaa · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 19:23 · Link

Thanks for the reply.

/u/TTTz · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 14:53 · Link

We have search now? Who needs him JK Hug <3

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 14:59 · Link

i vote we bring starscream back to take over.

/u/TTTz · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 15:09 · Link

I thought that was Hippy Alt - he could recode dread all in Star Wars language

/u/AANVOER · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 16:37 · Link

Bughunter is counting HUX tokens lol

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 22:11 · Link

What's with everyone being on Paris and Bug's ass lately? I swear man, there has been several sketchy threads lately pertaining to them which seems a bit suspicious.

/u/SV2MG · N/A votes · 5th April, 2022 - 13:32 · Link

Their canary are never updated on time and HugBunter dissapeared for like a month while he was saying he would be back on a day that wasn't existing since the date and the day didn't add up. Yeah people have the right to be asking questions when one of the two guys that are holding the biggest place on the DN don't follow up some security measures or go silent for times to times.

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 5th April, 2022 - 21:04 · Link

You're kinda being a dick right now. Stahp.

/u/We_Are_9000 · N/A votes · 4th April, 2022 - 15:33 · Link

Just WTF is it with the retard parade today???? Hug is no more!!!! Paris is the King Of Dread now!!!! In all probability Hug was never a real person at all. Dread is now a one man dog & pony show!!!! All Hail The KING!!!! Long Live The KING!!!!