
N/A subscribers


share one addiction story

by /u/maiden · 0 votes · 2024-03-31 04:04:00

hi you read so just share it
can be funny or nah
inspired cause i had to work and pretend i was fine but my eyes are so tired, dry, red with the dilated pupils this won't let me fool anyone
i fucking slept on my desk and woke up like skyrim with my coworker asking if i'm okay

Comments (6)
/u/petepsyche · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:06 · Link

My friends are not addicted to weed, yet they get into debt and starve themselves just so they can smoke weed. Yeah, they aren't addicted for sure.

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:11 · Link

dang dude weed? i was think about meth, fent. i'm sorry... but accepting that your sick no matter how much shit you goes through it's one of the hardest parts.

/u/petepsyche · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:29 · Link

Not as interesting nor serious as any other hard drugs for sure but it's an often overlooked addiction. It become troublesome when it starting to affect the dynamic of the circle, especially when you keep seeing those fucking weed tards have the money to get high but don't have the money to pay what they owe you. Fiends just gonna be fiends.

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:31 · Link

Yeah. It's a complex subject but i have many friends like this. Weed was never my DoC, but i recognize and i'm so grateful for what everyone did for me since day one until rehab.

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 07:59 · Link

OD'd and had a seizure at a dinner with fam. No one knew I was using

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 15:07 · Link

Fuck dude. It must have been so hard to explain after...

/u/blckpwr3 · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 09:45 · Link

woke up like skyrim lololol

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 15:08 · Link

that was the feeling im not joking hey you! youre finally awake LMFAO ASDGHHDAKJDAJAS

/u/Gambetta · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 10:02 · Link

The best thing about any kind of addiction is when you reach the willpower and strength of character to rise above any addiction. And learn from it. With or without help from nobody. Personally I can't remember of any addiction of mine thankfully

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 15:09 · Link

I agree. That's nice <3

/u/Engraved · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:13 · Link

I was addicted to meth and selling it among other drugs supplied by the HA like almost a decade ago Well my partner got murdered by 4 meth heads in the end and the shooter got life but the guy who put it all together was somebody we conisdered a "friend" got like 10 years but his girlfriend died in jail so good for him he was 19 and they killed him for the measly $10k he had saved up from profits and also because he was too good at what he does fuck stupid fucking meth heads

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:19 · Link

I'm sorry for your loss. But what goes around comes around. 10 years for murdering an 19 years old even if he was just the "mastermind" behind the scenes was super fucking little. I think it would be better if he died instead of the girlfriend LMFAO. But there's a point that i agree, dealing on the streets is sometimes more dangerous than dealing on a DNM. Specially in some countries that gangs are criminal organizations, their not only that street supplier anymore. It sucks....

/u/Engraved · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:23 · Link

Hey i don't agree with you. Cops even tried getting me to rat him out a few weeks prior. But I decided not to say anything ofc. It ws his choice to deal drugs and dealing drugs to meth heads equals either jail or dead in the end.

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:28 · Link

Interesting. Maybe we have different contexts or social backgrounds but i respect your opinion cause it's truth the part of "equals either jail or dead in the end.". But we work everyday to this kinda shit not happen again.

/u/Engraved · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:31 · Link

What do you mean exactly? Edit: SOrry I typed it wrong. I meant I don't DISAGREE with you. Apologies.

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:37 · Link

Idk your backstory but the place that i come from and many people that i worked on social services dosen't really have a choice. In some places this may be truth ofc. But many teenagers dosent have life perspective cause of the environment they're exposed since childhood. It's like okay, i will deal, cause i need to provide and thats is what are expected to me, evolving themselves on risks on such early age cause of their financials and family conditions. Every context should be considered, especially if they cause consequences on large scale. Idk if i could express myself in a good way cause English clearly i'ts not my mother tongue. So i'm sorry by advance.

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:39 · Link

Ops. I got it wrong though. I'm sorry. Forget the commentary below so. No problem /u/engraved.

/u/hydronerd · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:20 · Link

Its always the people that are closest to you that you should scrutinize the most!

/u/Engraved · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:24 · Link

Yep. Truly showed me not to believe ANYONE in the drug game.

/u/maiden · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:29 · Link

Really the sleep with one eye open.

/u/Engraved · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 04:34 · Link

He's a registered sex offender because his gf he was dating when he like turned 18 was underage or some shit like that so he gets beat up in jail a lot apparently

/u/djdubai · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 16:54 · Link

Once took some LSD and my whole floor literally became an ocean had to swim to get on the couch which I thought was a v8 powered speed boat.