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Are there any cons to using Tails 3.16?

by /u/mosc0wmule · 0 votes · 2020-05-18 03:02:00

I have not updated Tails, primarily due to laziness lol. My question for the community is if there are any known security risks using 3.16

I always manually disable javascript and enable safest mode for my Tor activities, and have not had any issues.

Thanks all, and stay safe :)


Comments (2)
/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 18th May, 2020 - 10:50 · Link

Read the changelogs of all the Tor Browsers published since 3.16 As far as i know in the last Tor Browser (Tails) release alone were two Firefox bugs closed which were marked as "critical" by Mozilla.

/u/mosc0wmule · N/A votes · 18th May, 2020 - 21:17 · Link

Thank you, Ill look into the logs...wish I had thought of that in the first place lol Ill do the upgrade to be safe, thanks for your feedback

/u/vshuiw8945g · N/A votes · 29th May, 2020 - 22:55 · Link

UPGRADE to the latest Tails. Please don't put your online security at risk. Older versions likely have bugs that later have been fixed. There is literally not a reason to remain on older Tails. Safety!