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Clipboard + GPG On Another Linux Disto

by /u/lampshade · 0 votes · 2020-07-10 17:29:00

I'm curious is there anyway to take that entire set up ( the clipboard /gpg/ even the little icon) and install it on another linux distro ? I like it and find it a lot simplier than others. If that is possible, does anyone know what I'd be looking for to download ? I'll put it on another debian based distro, but unclear if its the desktop choice that will dictate whether or not this is possible.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Comments (1)
/u/jakkiri · N/A votes · 10th July, 2020 - 18:51 · Link

It's called openpgp-applet, and should be in your distro's repository. The tool used for key management is seahorse. It should work on every DE, however, if you're on vanilla GNOME, you need an extension to display the tray applet, since GNOME dropped support a while ago, Tails uses for TopIcons Plus for it (not quite sure whether other app indicator extensions are supported or not).

/u/lampshade · N/A votes · 10th July, 2020 - 20:49 · Link

I just found and came here to leave the link if anyone else wanted for the personal use, I love the thing. ClearNet : https://packages.debian.org/source/stable/openpgp-applet