
N/A subscribers


source code for money transfer site

by /u/zlxjy75iuxkulewbh · 0 votes · 2024-05-07 06:23:00

I"m not advertising yet, just doing some market research to see if it's even a viable product.

But would upstanding citizens like yourselves find the complete source code of a money transfer sitle along the lines of Wize or Remittly valuable? If you could ballpark a number representing how valuable what would you say?

Comments (2)
/u/RonBurgundysBottomBitch · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 06:39 · Link

I will let you pay me for source code on a single condition friend: you allow me sex with thy mother. No takesie backsies, no iffs, buts, or coconuts. Only these mf coconuts in that belly know what im sayin? Sincerely, RonBurgundysBottomBitch

/u/earthtworm112 · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 16:27 · Link

that sounds like something you could sell to N.Korean hackers for quite a sum of money