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Unable to reopen Gajim after X'ing out of it.

by /u/academia · 0 votes · 2024-04-11 23:52:00

Basically title. If I close Gajim, I'm unable to reopen it unless I restart tails. Is this a bug or is it hidden someplace? Application > Internet > Gajim does nothing.

Comments (2)
/u/recurringrevenue · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 00:40 · Link

did you check to see if its running in the background

/u/caenum · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 01:04 · Link

Open up terminal and check if its running and its process ID. Then manually kill it. Run these in exact order. DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT LOOK UP WHAT THESE COMMANDS DO, although you will find its very basic linux commands ps aux | grep gajim - ps aux displays running programs, then you are piping that to grep which searches stdout for a keyword in this case gajim.. There will be a few entries prob, look for /usr/bin/gajim entry kill -9 {pid of gajim} - kill -9 command that force kills running application, use the pid you got from the previous command If it doesn't show up when searching using ps its most likely not running. NEVER TAKE WORD OF A STRANGER AND ENTER TERMINAL COMMANDS WITHOUT RESEARCHING FIRST Also try running gajim from the terminal, this should give you lots of info to stdout to see if there is an error occuring: torsocks gajim

/u/academia · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 04:22 · Link

Cheers, that did the trick. Thank you, hopefully it helps others in the future.

/u/caenum · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 04:24 · Link

Cheers mate!