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Different wallets for Monero

by /u/redway · 0 votes · 2024-03-31 03:37:00

What's the reason some people use wallets for Monero like Feather when Monero has its own official wallet? What advantages can an unofficial wallet offer over the wallet you're literally using?"

Comments (3)
/u/CYBERCHAD · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 09:15 · Link

Feather is the "unofficial official" wallet. It is developed by a well-known member of the monero community. Feather wallet is more lightweight than the official GUI wallet. Feather is light weight and barebones. No flashy visual elements. Feather is just designed to get the shit done. I also think feather runs better on tailsOS than the official gui one. I heard its dev is also thinking about releasing a feather wallet minimal version, which doesn't pull any data from the third parties, and only gets you to receive and send XMR.

/u/partytime · N/A votes · 31st March, 2024 - 21:37 · Link

Feather is simpler to set up and easier to use than the official GUI and CLI wallets, mate. It has a strong following, and as /u/CYBERCHAD says, has an official acknowledgement from the getmonero team on their downloads page.

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 1st April, 2024 - 18:13 · Link

Feather wallet is not official, but easier to use. There's plenty of wallets to choose from, the only rule here is to NEVER use centralized exchanges. Not to buy or store coins.

/u/DrManhattan · N/A votes · 4th April, 2024 - 12:38 · Link

But using localmonero is so inconvenient...

/u/Hourglass · N/A votes · 4th April, 2024 - 12:55 · Link

Inconvenient but safe tho