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Market Owners/PR/Dread Reps, send me those pgps!

by /u/adruguser · 0 votes · 2022-08-07 04:56:00

hey market owners gonna mess with the wiki and superlist post. remember, this is just here so everyone can see it. its my belief that more markets keep the heat low, provide options, allow vendors to spread out, users to spread out, and really help everyone. i want all admins and market staff to know i am literally in your corner. i will not assist one market more than another, i will not personally play any favorites in here.

need added to the list? contact me here on dread, send me your intro post and market pgp and ill get you added! if you dont notice your market pgp on the wiki soon, contact me so i can add it.

the superlist will primarily show all the markets still growing on a single space. eventually there may be more information added for all markets, for now im gonna link to your introduction pages.

remember to secure your market. make sure it is not vulnerable to at the very least simple attacks, as more traffic will bring these types of users. i have been contacted by some dread users asking if they could do some pentesting on the markets on this list. I told them i would sanction seeking bug bounties, and pentesting ONLY with the intent of disclosure and increasing market security and market longevity. simple mistakes and big fuckups will not help my case to keep a market on the list or assist with dread promotion. for every user that wants to help, theres gonna be more that just want to steal shit. with that said, i will NOT give better/more promotion to a market here on /d/newmarkets. if i use one and like it, it will be mentioned in that market sub or announcement.

with that said, let's compete with those big boys. remind them how useful it is to have smaller and more markets in the field.

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