
N/A subscribers


/u/kilo is a selectove scammer, beware!

by /u/Zergburgers · 0 votes · 2023-03-08 22:12:00

First order about a year ago was good, he had good diclaz and 2fdck. Ordered some 4homet early december, paid 200 bucks plus shipping. No pack and radio silence. Also his mailbox on proton is totally full. Radio silence since dec 22...

Comments (1)
/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 9th March, 2023 - 05:44 · Link

Thanks for your warning. This is what this community is about, members helping member reward the good vendors and starve out the bad ones. I have not had contact with Kilo for a while. I hope that it is rehab rather than exit scam.

/u/vash445 · N/A votes · 11th August, 2023 - 12:35 · Link

Ive heard from others he's back we can all make guesses

/u/newbieforever2018 · N/A votes · 11th August, 2023 - 22:17 · Link

True. Until we have multiple confirmations we won't know for sure.