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TorZon Market - The Chemistry of our Acquaintance

by /u/Kakarot · 0 votes · 5th March, 2024 12:32

Hey, TorZon(ers)
Today, after first making a coffee to start the work, I opened my system and a beautiful idea came to me. The idea has to do regarding let you know about the TorZon Crew and to write about us in general. The following text is written in the third person because I want to present it like a book as well as to inform you that the following text has elements of truth and fiction! Mentioning one by one the members and explaining to you for what they are responsible daily on TorZon. To begin, I have to say that from an initial 2 members 1 year and 7 months ago we have now reached 5 members ( I WILL GO CRAZY )

The Chemistry of our Acquaintance

Five men, TorZon, Kakarot, Nintendo, T0nka and NMS are working on TorZon Market. This crew has involved in operating a market which is selling products and services on the dark side of the web. Each one of them have their own role in the team.

NMS is a promising new support apprentice. He looks at our work and learns so that he is ready in a short time to fly into this battle. NMS is quick in his responses and extremely gentle that leads users to easily understand TorZon Market.

TorZon is Amazon of the dark web :)

T0nka is responsible for managing support tickets. Every day he receives dozens of requests from customers who have problems with their purchases or the services they have purchased. He is fast and efficient to solve their problems also has a broad knowledge of many languages and that helps incredibly effectively in the support function. T0nka is a wonderkid!
TorZon Market speed is crucial - but functionality is king. A seamless, user-friendly platform that delivers results quickly is the key to success in this competitive landscape.

Kakarot has taken over the general management and the exterior policy and representation of the market. He has to manage disputes between customers and suppliers, trying to find solutions that would satisfy both sides. Kakarot is a top class moderator.
Words are too small to describe TorZon but I'll try. Passion, Love, Pleasure

Nintendo has taken on the role of scam watch but his major goal approvement of withdraws and relieves TorZon from basic problems that only an admin could solve. He has to control the vendors and the sales made on their platform to avoid scams and protect their customers but also to control and promote the purchases that our users make. In addition to this, He ensure that no withdrawl hack would happen.
TorZon market and each one in this team are my family!

TorZon is the man who insires us all, is the person who will make the final decisions and is responsible for the code programming area. He has to make sure that TorZon Market and applications were secure and working without problems. Also, Torzon is a specialist scam watcher as his parachute inside the team is Sheclock Holmes.
Stop saying the word TorZon because my penis is getting irritated.

As their work evolves, they face various problems and challenges. Every day they have to successfully deal with new problems that arise, solve disputes and protect TorZon Market from attacks. At the same time, they also have to manage public relations, trying to maintain a positive reputation in the community.

Despite the challenges, the five men continue to work with dedication and professionalism for TorZon Market, striving to make it even more successful in the underground world of the internet.

In conclusion, They succesfully accomplished to overcome the hard period of the attacks, they blocked phishing and managed to reduce to zero the incidents. TorZon Market is one of the most popular destinations on the internet, with thousands of visitors every month. Every month, the statistical numbers of traffic to this website prove its popularity and appeal to the public.

Based on this data, we can confidently say that TorZon Market has managed to gain the trust and interest of a wide community, offering quality content and unique experiences to visitors.

Total User: 53993
New Regs (24h): 473
Total online (24h): 3249
Total orders: 33834
Shipped orders: 4322
Opened disputes: 41

"Life is special, Enjoy it, One step at a time"
Yours sincerely,
NMS,T0nka,Kakarot, Nintendo, TorZon
TorZon TM

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Comments (2)
/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 5th March, 2024 - 13:29 · Link

Free pentest for TorZon if you ban Octopus from your Market.

/u/Kakarot · N/A votes · 5th March, 2024 - 15:14 · Link

Off topic. If you have anything to say about the article, you are welcome to do so. But please don't spam the post.

/u/Octopus · N/A votes · 5th March, 2024 - 15:01 · Link

LEO /u/CodeIsLaw is offering you his services, /u/Kakarot 😂

/u/Kakarot · N/A votes · 5th March, 2024 - 15:15 · Link

Off topic. If you have anything to say about the article, you are welcome to do so.