
N/A subscribers


So mod disapears and losses password/key but admins give someone the account with just words?

by /u/fuckupdog · 0 votes · 27th February, 2020 10:20


Comments (5)
/u/ausSSSsSScCCAAaAAMMMmMMMM · N/A votes · 27th February, 2020 - 10:26 · Link


/u/majoredinhippy · N/A votes · 27th February, 2020 - 11:21 · Link

You have free speech; honestly don't mind whatever you speak about. Break the rules? Now that's different, I have to punish you (warning usually). I don't agree with scams, having removed the admins from /d/GreyMarket and branded it as an exit scam. I'm not sure on Ritchy, he was a good guy but we never conversed long enough for me to make a judgement on his ability to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. This all smells like the old tactic they tried to pull on the old mods. No one has been comprised, I'm even looking for new moderators and will talk to /u/Paris about this shortly.

/u/fohshizzle1 · N/A votes · 27th February, 2020 - 10:44 · Link

When he said "I am back" suddenly there were 20 one-line spam topics every 5 minutes. For sure did not look like he was that :)

/u/majoredinhippy · N/A votes · 27th February, 2020 - 10:49 · Link

There are others who have had interaction with me, that only I could verify. /u/TheBlackPope, /u/Plants_co and more. As for regaining access; I did have to hand over information on my account no one else knew to Paris, I assume if he felt that I was malicious he'd remove my modship. In fact if that's what you guys want me to do to prove I am honestly the real Major then it shall be like that. Hope you guys have mods ready to take position, my vote is for /u/TheBlackPope and will always be so.

/u/fohshizzle1 · N/A votes · 27th February, 2020 - 11:57 · Link

Yeah I have just read your new replies and retract what I have said. Sorry mate.

/u/TheBlackPope · N/A votes · 27th February, 2020 - 17:23 · Link

It is indeed our old friend. The Ghandi of the Mods (a bit ambiguous given Christopher Hichens opinion of him and Mother Theresa). I like the kid. And I know it is him coz he named 5 of the 9 things I have inserted in my rectum. Nice work Major! Smell Me Finger!

/u/qdance · N/A votes · 28th February, 2020 - 01:08 · Link

What a joke. Speculation on other forums Dread has been infiltrated by LE. This something they would like to do. This majored in hippy cunt was markets staff on a market that exit scammed, account should br gone period. Was also a warning from other admins the market was taken by LE

/u/majoredinhippy · N/A votes · 28th February, 2020 - 06:53 · Link

That specific message was not signed with the original Grey Market key. Everyone knows that, and if I was so involved; why would I shut down the fucking sub /d/GreyMarket and brand it what it is, a fucking exit scam. If it was seized you would've known, they have a history of exposing it worldwide "LOOKIE LOOKIE WE GOT A DRUG MARKET" in the media every single seizure. Use logic son. Only one admin. Not admins. Two moderators and one support staff. Honestly how could I be apart of it, I was only support on Dread, having no backend access (I would've restored a lot of money if I could've) nor did I ever get paid. I don't care about money anymore, stop trying to make me out to be this some greedy little fuck that I am not.

/u/qdance · N/A votes · 28th February, 2020 - 12:20 · Link

or you most likely were in on it and just say that. Anyway your account is tainted and should be burnt now. that paris guys a noob to talk the way he does

/u/majoredinhippy · N/A votes · 28th February, 2020 - 12:54 · Link

Or maybe he uses reason and logic to make him a better person?

/u/smeek · N/A votes · 29th February, 2020 - 01:44 · Link

is /u/hugbunter aware of what occured here

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 29th February, 2020 - 02:11 · Link

Aware of the post and the whole thing is suspect, but I need more information on everything that has happened to give me some sort of background on it all.