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by /u/Musashi2077 · 0 votes · 2024-04-22 17:41:00

Hey, I need someone who can help me to get access to user's Gmail conversations and get them to my base/server.

If you can help me let me know.

Comments (4)
/u/jjNBA · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 18:41 · Link

Google is a pain in the ass honestly. You can do that yourself anyways but unless you have physical access to the device you need to bypass 2FA. You can use frameworks like evilginx3 which is pretty straightforward. The problem is that domain will be taken down almost immediately, also you must pay attention when sending the link, especially if you're trying to mask it with services like is.gd, 99% you will not hack the account. You could for example use another service to phish his Google credentials, by saying that Google login is needed. This is purely based on personal experience I'm sure there are people who know much more and that could be more helpful

/u/Samsung26 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 17:50 · Link

So you need a software to become the man in the middle no?

/u/tymr · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 17:56 · Link

I dont think it is really man in the middle even if you used a man in the middle app it would be almost impossible to decrypt the information. I think op needs pyphisher to make a fake gmail and somehow deceive the user into making the mistake of giving credential to website with a weird url

/u/Samsung26 · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 17:53 · Link

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/u/AutoModerator · N/A votes · 23rd April, 2024 - 17:53 · Link

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/u/KatyPerry · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 18:52 · Link

[pending moderation]

/u/skywalker_666 · N/A votes · 22nd April, 2024 - 21:20 · Link

for that you'd need a reverse proxy configured to trap cookies and other ip related data. you can use some ready ones like nginx but i'd prefer you just make your own or find someone to do it for you, then deploy it in your vps server if your looking for more control. you'd then go about building a spamming mechanism for your campaign. i've made a lot of setups like this in the past and i'd say it's still very usable and depending on your choice of domains, it can be very stealthy..