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PGP keys on WHM

by /u/YouCantSeeMe · 0 votes · 21st December, 2020 06:06

When you encrypt a file on text edit and it saves and it comes up with all these kind of symbols because it's encrypted obviously, how do you send that encrypted message to someone on WHM? e.g i want to message a vendor about a product before buying so i wrote it on textedit, encrypted it but now i wanna send it, how do I get the PGP key of that text to send it to the guy or am I saying or doing this all wrong? I have a public key on gpg suite

Also i noticed that when i put the vendors PGP key/ fingerprint to search, only a few show and some don't, does that mean because they are using another software to mine or?

I just wanted to start using WHM from now on but after hundreds of tutorials on youtube, this is the only thing thats confusing me...

Comments (3)
/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:12 · Link

I just want to check you have have the vendors Public PGP Key imported? If so, it's just a matter of making sure you encrypt with the vendors PGP public key and your private key. Once encrypted, copy and paste all the symbol looking stuff(including the 'message starts here and message ends here text' and send that copied text as a message on market. hope that makes sense. if not HMU.

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 10:30 · Link

His pwn private key is irellevant in this context, to explain to OP, when you want to send an encrypted message to someone, all that is required is the recipients Public PGP Key. You need to import the vendor's PGP key into your software, once it is visible in your list of keys, you can type out your message and encrypt it to their key. You will then receive the PGP encrypted message and can send it to the Vendor in a PM.

/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:18 · Link

[System Message] Invalid BBCODE Formatting. Needs to be edited!

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 10:33 · Link

sorry.. i got caught between trying to explain holistically, and just what is specific to OP's situation. EDIT - was re-reading. I was just referring to the drop down where OP would have to select the specific private key(I use different Priv keys for different marketplaces)

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 11:43 · Link

It's not a private key that he would be selecting though, it's important to understand the difference between a public and private key to grasp how PGP works really

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 12:09 · Link

It appears as 'secret key' when selecting it from the key list. Or when you are encrypting the text doc it is 'your key' from the drop down. he's not using tails.

/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 12:33 · Link

the only problem with this is it doesn't give me a PGP encrypted message, all it says is that encryption is finished..

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 13:51 · Link

It will be copied to your clipboard, if you paste it will be there

/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 14:32 · Link

theres no clipboard anywhere, this is so frustrating it's like im so close to understanding and this part is so confusing.. and this part is the most important because this is what I need to be able to make orders and send messaged on the WHM

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 14:34 · Link

"Clipboard" refers to copied text saved in memory, just paste into a text box, it will be copied. What OS and software are you using?

/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 14:55 · Link

i sent you a dm

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 07:07 · Link

ok, so you're missing a couple of steps. - Go to a vendor page on WHM, from there you can copy the whole text of the vendors public PGP key and paste in to a text editor. - from here you need to highlight the whole text you've copied and 'import' it to your PGP encryption programs list of public keys(this will allow you to then encrypt messages you send using the vendors public key and your private key. - If you haven't imported the vendors public key, you wont be able to encrypt a message to them. This is done off market. Then you can follow the steps i outlined above. To get the 'symbols etc' to WHM, you just copy from text editor, then paste to a WHM message to the vendor. WHM will tell you if it's done correctly. EDIT - you need to set up the ability to import/decrpyt/encrypt from your text editor. ie link it to GPG suite.

/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 08:42 · Link

okay the 2 first dot points worked! and he got added to my list and I thank you for that, last question is so when i encrypt the document then i press the persons name, click ok and it says encryption finished, does that mean what i wanted to say to him has been sent? meaning did the text edit document i encrypted get sent to him? and lets say he replies back using my pgp key, where do I check if he sent me a responce to decrypt? Also this was done off market

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 08:56 · Link

hey mate, good one! the text edit doc isn't connected to WHM. You have to manually copy and paste it in to a message on WHM. To do this: -Go to the vendor profile and hit the 'contact vendor button' up top of the page. -Then WHM will ask you to decrypt a message to verify it's you using your account(kind of like 2FA). In order to decrypt this message you will need to have imported WHM's public PGP key)(if you haven't done this and can't figure it out, we'll have to get that done first.) -So you will have to copy the message (similar to how you copied the vendors PGP key) and paste in to a text edit doc. from there (if you've imported WHM's public key) you should be able to decrypt the message. this is actually good practice and will hopefully get you in to the flow of decrpyting and encrypting messages. Once this is done, you can type out your original message to the Vendor in textedit doc and encrypt with their public key. Then it's just a matter of copying the encrypted text and pasting it in to the message you send to the vendor. WHM will advise if there is any issue with the encrypted message with an error message The vendor should now be able to decrypt it and read your message. KEEP IN MIND. as for you, it's also quite time consuming for vendors to decrypt and read messages on WHM. Some even use dread and the like with their official accounts to communicate if it's a message that wont blow Opsec. They get multiple messages on WHM in the form of purchase notifications, so if they are a big vendor that can be 1000's a week. WHM doesn't filter those messages in any way, so they can often miss REAL messages from customers(like the one you are attempting to send) Good luck!

/u/drugdogmillionaire · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:20 · Link

When you say you encrypted it, what exactly are you doing? Your public PGP Key is there so other people can use it to encrypt something then send it to you. You are then the only person that can decrypt that message because you have the private key that goes with your public key. So when you want to send someone an encrytped message you do so by using THEIR public key. You can find this on the vendors info page on WHM. You import their key then it will be in your list of public keys that you can choose from to encrypt the clipboard. Also, unless a message contains sensitive info (names, addresses etc.), there's no need to encrypt it. Sorry if that doesn't help. Tell me if you need more help! EDIT: Sorry just remembered all messages on WHM need to be encrypted.

/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:36 · Link

exactly, and i understand what you're trying to say but some vendors pgp keys when i search it up to add them to the list, some says key or fingerprint you're trying to search up is not available.. its encrypted as in its into all those symbols and i just wanna know how to send those symbols as a PGP key to the vendor for him to read it if that makes sence

/u/drugdogmillionaire · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:52 · Link

Not sure how things work using GPG Suite, but I use Tails and to import a key you open the Passwords and Keys manager and literally highlight their public key and drag it into the GnuPG window then boom it's imported. I think you're still slightly misunderstanding what the keys are and how it works. When you say "it's encrypted" tell me exactly how have you gotten it like that? Because if you don't have their public key imported you can't have encrypted that message properly. Also, you aren't sending them a PGP key. The key is what their software uses to decipher the message you're sending them. So once you've properly encrypted something you literally send that big block of text to them in a message then they copy it to their clipboard and their software decrypts the message.

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:42 · Link


/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:46 · Link

I know it looks like that but idk, when i type it on text edit and i encrpyt it, it shows up with all these kinda symbols, i know it has to become like that but i dont know why it's not showing up like that? literally right clicked the pdf - services - Open PGP encrypt file. Doesnt that mean now its encrypted? now when i open it its all these symbols and i want to know how to turn them into this

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:47 · Link


/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 06:58 · Link

[System Message] Invalid BBCODE Formatting. Needs to be edited!

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 07:08 · Link


/u/YouCantSeeMe · N/A votes · 21st December, 2020 - 08:28 · Link

let me know when you find out what is it and no there is no option in my end