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Tutorial on how to setup EndGameV3

by /u/nihilist1 · 0 votes · 2024-04-13 16:09:00

Hi everyone,

Endgame needs no introduction, It enables you to scale out your operations with your hidden services.

"Endgame should be on a separate server to your backend server. It only proxies content from your backend to the user. You will still need to configure your backend to handle requests from the Endgame Front. This is the same system that anti-DDOS services like Cloudflare, Indusface, and Imperva use to protect websites from attacks. The difference is this is self-hosted and fully controlled by you for your own needs and made for darknet networks."

Anyways, it's preety simple to setup, and it helps to protect you against DDOS attempts on your .onion service, see my latest tutorial below:


As usual, any feedback is appreciated, Make sure to point out what i missed out on, along with what you suggest so that i can improve my tutorials accordingly :)

EDIT (15/04/2024) : added the intended 2 Endgame Fronts, 2 Backend Servers setup as the second half of my tutorial. Check it out!

Comments (15)
/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:12 · Link

Nice Blog.

/u/bobby_hamburger7 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:20 · Link


/u/pablopicassosaexx3 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:27 · Link

Bro made 7 accounts to hate on people 😂😂

/u/bobby_hamburger7 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:29 · Link


/u/bobby_hamburger9 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 22:46 · Link

[pending moderation]

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:42 · Link

Minor thing. If you are using the TORMINWORK=true setting generally you don't need gobalance at all. You can just have a single front handle the load. Gobalance can't handle POW at this time as there are no tor control systems for it. When arti is finished with POW a rewrite of onionbalance will be finished in rust. We are waiting for that. Should be within the year.

/u/nihilist1 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:46 · Link

great news, and thanks for the input :)

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:54 · Link

Also not three but only two tor backends. The system works like this users -> tor -> gobalance master onion descriptor (DNS load balance like) -> random endgame front (can basically unlimited but technically max of 20 per descriptor) -> tor/local pass -> backend servers. Endgame fronts can be anywhere in the world as well as your backend servers. But I do recommend trying to local proxy when possible. Provides more stability and a massive reduction in latency. Specifically for servers who have large files. Good post!

/u/nihilist1 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 17:02 · Link

thanks for the clarification, will try to update the tutorial with a more accurate description :)

/u/nihilist1 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 18:55 · Link

wait a minute, there's something i dont understand: users -> tor -> gobalance master onion descriptor (DNS load balance like) -> random endgame front (can basically unlimited but technically max of 20 per descriptor) you can have ONE .onion URL that can go to multiple endgame frontends ? on different servers ? how does that work? i must've missed it. I thought the redirection

/u/HugBunter · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 00:45 · Link

This is the whole premise of onionbalance. It creats a descriptor with multiple onion end points, which are your front servers hosting end game. To dumb it down, the OnionBalance address you supply for users to access, is an alias address masking the front servers that users are connecting to. You access the main Dread onion, but really you are connecting to one of many front servers in our descriptor, these host end game and then proxy pass you to the true backend service. This is how the traffic is spread over multiple servers.

/u/nihilist1 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 08:26 · Link

ahh ok now i understand. I need to update my tutorial accordingly to showcase this then! Thanks

/u/nihilist1 · N/A votes · 15th April, 2024 - 06:49 · Link

EDIT: added the 2 Endgame Fronts, 2 Backend Servers setup in the tutorial :) (btw thanks /u/Paris for the help with the gobalance setup!)

/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:46 · Link

🌟 <- Pretend that's an award. I just handed it to you. GREAT BLOG!!! Seriously. I would love to turn some of your posts into videos, if you would be cool with that. It's refreshing to see a real post in this section that is not some moron telling us to use smart tech for opsec, or how great a fucking vpn provider is! I've bookmarked this blog, and if it's okay with you, when I start my interesting onions (or w/e the fuck I will call it) series I would love to include this in it. This is super high quality work. I really, really like this blog. Keep crushing it.

/u/nihilist1 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:47 · Link

thanks for the feedback :) honored for you to say these. Yea my blog is free knowledge for all anyway, it can be quoted, and linked anywhere without requiring my permission.

/u/DoingFedTime · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:54 · Link

It's great. I love the big, detailed pictures. It makes it MUCH more entertaining but also brings each post to life, as we can SEE what you're talking about and SEE the progression of each thing! I cut back the URL and started exploring other parts of the site, and am really excited to try many of the tutorials you have.

/u/nihilist1 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 17:00 · Link

Yep, all intentional, i want to both plan out what to do, and also walk the readers through how to do each step. However as you suggested video tutorials, not really my cup of tea, i prefer the HTML format with copy-pastable lines, but if you want to do some video walkthroughs yourself, fine by me :)

/u/expensiveexplosion · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 17:41 · Link

It's clear and completed description of endgame. Now I understand how to start, though. Ty!

/u/jackroberts · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:39 · Link

this is great bro! do you have a similar tutorial on onion balance? how to deploy both onion balance and endgame at the same time? how to generate vanity addresses for endgame?

/u/Paris · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:47 · Link

If you are running endgame and onionbalance on the same server are you doing it wrong. Onionbalance is designed to combine multiple fronts into a single descriptor for load balancing. One address with multiple fronts holding it up. If you only have a single server just run endgame and pass the ending address to others. No onionbalance needed at all. If you want to have a custom address created use a tool like mkp224o and generate a custom one. You can then transfer the custom one over to your front (replacing the /etc/tor/hidden_service files with the generated one). Then go into /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/site.conf and change out the onion address to your new one. After that reboot and your new custom address should be live on your front.

/u/nihilist1 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 16:55 · Link

Yep, i also detailed how to generate vanity onion adresses /u/jackroberts in one of my earlier tutorials here: http://blog.nihilhfjmj55gfbleupwl2ub7lvbhq4kkoioatiopahfqwkcnglsawyd.onion/servers/torwebsite/index.html however, didn't do a tutorial on onionbalance alone yet

/u/Amphora · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 19:14 · Link

Great tutorial and blog!

/u/bobby_hamburger9 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 22:48 · Link

[pending moderation]

/u/nmapmrap · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 19:23 · Link

yooo thnx a lot

/u/bobby_hamburger11 · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 23:26 · Link


/u/DrugTown · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 01:05 · Link

This is a great post, thanks!

/u/miner21 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 05:56 · Link

I have seen people asking about this fairly regularly

/u/heapoverflow · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 07:24 · Link

Great post. Great blog. I always enjoy your posts.

/u/bobby_hamburger12 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 04:37 · Link


/u/bobby_hamburger12 · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 04:38 · Link


/u/boogoojak · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 13:12 · Link

what's the purpose of this?

/u/brainfuckdev · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 14:10 · Link

I mean the first step is getting lube..

/u/b0xed · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 15:31 · Link

Great info. Thank you.