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⚠️ Final update ⚠️ - April 2024 -

by /u/Visring · 0 votes · 2024-04-24 12:22:00

Hi everyone,

After many discussion with Rotibel and our logistic crew we can confirm that, as we said, all orders will be delivered according to the timeline previously outlined. :-)
We have been hustling to make sure that these delay will not be pushed any longer than they needed to be.
As of now, we can confidently say that there will be a more important delay for only one of our clients. We are already in contact with them, and they are aware of this situation.

Obviously, we will be there to solve any issue that arise in the meantime. Moreover, if you have any questions regarding your parcel, we recommend that you reach out to us by PM with a PGP encrypted message.

Furthermore, we wish to reiterate the significance of Finalizing Early (FE) and its inherent benefits for both vendors and buyers. We believe that most of you have seen that Cypher is yet to show up online. We hope that nothing bad happened to them, and unfortunately this comes as a textbook example of vendor integrity. Once we receive your fund, no matter what happens next, we will make sure that you receive what you paid for. We will always find a solution that suits your needs.

Finally, we would like to thank you all for your patience throughout this process.


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