
N/A subscribers


my lost weekend

by /u/7Ninjas · 0 votes · 2022-08-17 10:37:00

I usually wouldn't write to 7000 or so ppl but...

***Clearnet warning***


Yeah I guess a picture paints a thousand turds
For the lazy ones I'll just list the contents in the photo:
1 x Box Panadeine Forte 30mg codeine
1 x Box Mersydol Codeine 30mg
1 x Box Prodeine extra 15mg codeine
1 x Box Prodeine 9.8 mg codeine
1 x Box Tramadol 50mg
1 x Box Tramadol 100mg
1 x Box Tramadol 150mg
1 x Box Tramadol 200mg
2 x Boxes 50 Valium 5mg
1 x 100 Clonazepam 1mg bottle(not listed in photo)
1 x Taladafil (?) I don't know if it's nootropic or viagra
A whole bunch of Quetiapine...no idea what this is
A shitload of Lyrica/Pregablin
1 X Box of 7 zolpidem 10mg
1 X Box of 14 zolpidem 10mg
2 X boxes of 25 Temazepam 10mgs

To celebrate a milestone birthday of mine,
A friend gave me this in a wooden wine box.

"Holy shit!"I thought
"That must be ... A lot of dollars worth"
He apologized for not having any S8 in there!
"It's just the cheap shit!" He says.
His a legend and even resembles Winston Churchill the Nazi fighting bastard!)

I don't really have a point except to say that the last thing I remember was having 1 Clonazepam+ 4 valiums +4 of the 50mg Tramadols.
Then I opened a beer an swigged down some Temazepam. I had a few more of this and that.

That's it.
That's all I want to say.
Not bragging.
Actually,an arsehole old man that lives next door stole them off me then gave them to the cops.

He just couldn't let me...be.
Fuck everything.
Thanks for listening

Comments (2)
/u/thyme77 · N/A votes · 17th August, 2022 - 11:03 · Link

You must have been off your fucking head lol

/u/7Ninjas · N/A votes · 17th August, 2022 - 11:10 · Link

It's weird bro. All of a sudden I live in a different city. Can't remember how I got here tho'

/u/thyme77 · N/A votes · 17th August, 2022 - 11:30 · Link

Take some more Lyrica and some Scotch Whiskey. See which city you wake up in tomorrow. I'm curious

/u/7Ninjas · N/A votes · 17th August, 2022 - 13:34 · Link

Ha! It's like Fight Club the movie. I be travellin' all round settin up soap makin' armies and shit. It's like that.

/u/fatzor · N/A votes · 17th August, 2022 - 11:34 · Link

is it Tassie? sounds like Tassie

/u/7Ninjas · N/A votes · 17th August, 2022 - 13:37 · Link

Oh man...anywhere but Tassie. Just kiddin' I'll fall asleep at the wheel and end up in Antarctica and shit.

/u/thyme77 · N/A votes · 18th August, 2022 - 10:28 · Link

Post pics of icebergs please

/u/7Ninjas · N/A votes · 18th August, 2022 - 13:25 · Link

Oh man...ice the last thing I need!

/u/OVERit4sure67 · N/A votes · 18th August, 2022 - 01:38 · Link
