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Just made considerable bucks in a day after months of vending again, I'm feeling blessed and grateful and so fucking high on life right now

by /u/petepsyche · 0 votes · 2024-05-07 16:51:00

Not international, just regional in my country. I used to vend back in 2018-2019, was dealing weed back then up until the peak of COVID around 2020 or 2021 (I don't really remember) I stopped altogether, even stopped smoking weed. The bucks was good but was nowhere near good, weed was flying off the shelves but due to small margin of profits it was ain't really much. I've just started vending again around early 2024, since quitting weed I put my focus into psychedelics and other substances this time, it was rough at first, I grow and sell mushrooms but it ain't went out that much, barely cover the cost of the whole operations. Being a good vendors I've always offer extra and replacement if there is issue with the order, this gained me a very small customers base. Recently I decided to take risk and order some other stuffs from the darknet, part due to its rarity in my country and another part due to I hate buying from other motherfuckers in my country as they're always a rip off and overpriced fuck.

I was filled with excitement, guilt, anxiety and fear for my future, as it was my first time doing it and also I've made some of the riskiest move I've ever made in my entire life. In my mushrooms trip while waiting for the packages, I've thought about it a lots, thought about my investment, thought about how much trouble I'll be if I got caught, thought about how I should just forget about it and move on. But my sober me thought different, the motherfucker is one of the greatest entrepreneur I've ever know in my life. As if this bitch was born to be a businessman.

I went through a rough month after receiving my packages, not much interest yet. Still not giving up and vending hard, posted my listings everywhere anywhere possible, still applying my original vision of what make a good vendor is. I took a lots of pride in my product, I made sure it was the shit before it get to my customers. It's first and foremost my passion with substances and secondly the profits so I always give extras and discount whenever I can, as long as my products can satisfy the customers and make their money worth, unlike those stingy motherfuckers out there that count every single fucking milligram. After a month or two of having it rough, I've earned myself some of the best numbers I've ever had, and had a few loyal customers by my side. I've made around 500$ today, which is more than a month of minimum wage work in my country, and nearly 1000$ in total since last month.

Fucking hell I'm really glad that I didn't give up, I'm filled with so much joy and pride and high right now. The thrill of making bucks is truly the best high I've ever got, substances are just decorations. People didn't choose the hustle, people are chosen. It have always feel so natural to me, some of my friends have tried their hands in dealing but it's all about the money for them, they didn't last and the one that last are still fucking shit at it. Not gonna be a smooth sailing path but I'll be expecting the road ahead, cheer to the present and cheer to the future! Wish y'all fellow hustlers sleep well tonight!

Comments (1)
/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 16:59 · Link

Keep on keeping on man, may i suggest that you start ordering some 2C-B HBR salts off of /u/Shulginalex? I've been told the quality is fucking crazy and i'm waiting for him to ship an order i just placed with him and his 2C-B is really fucking cheap. Pretty sure if your customer base is interested in psychedelics, you might get them hooked on it. I just recently started experimenting with it(had my second trip last night and first trip last friday and shit is fucking amazing). Tolerance builds slowly compared to the majority of psychedelics and i feel like that could bring you alot of customers given that you buy some capsules and a little kit to help you put the salts in the capsules.

/u/petepsyche · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 17:10 · Link

Yes, it IS 2C-B that helped me gained a standing in the game, as most of other dealers are running out of it and their price is way too expensive for a dose as well as their quality is quite shitty (35mg for a nice trip, can you believe it?). I know /u/Shulginalex and I've heard that their products are top tier, but currently I'm sourcing my 2C-B somewhere else and it is already of divine quality for the price I paid for :D Will get their Mescaline for personal use in near future. Talk about Mescaline man, that stuff is in high demand but you can only sell them out of passion due to the sourcing price is already too damn high, I have cactus brew available but it is unsustainable, only enough for personal use.

/u/ShulginAlex · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 20:08 · Link

If you have any questions please let me know. :)

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 17:46 · Link

Yeah i recently grabbed a gram of his mescaline tho it is expensive if you take into consideration that a standard dose is 200mg and that's basically a fifth of a gram. I got introduced to it(2C-B) by SunshineIT but another user made me remember about Shulginalex coming back 2 months ago and when i compared prices between both vendors, i didn't hesitate. 250$/G from Sunshine and i bought 2 grams off ShulginAlex and it cost me 167$. Anyways, best hopes for your future. 500$/month salary is fucking dogshit(where i'm from we're paid by the hour every weeks or 2 depending on how cheap the company you work for is) so hopefully you can manage to pile alot of cash and i hope you do something good of it for your own well being. Take care of yourself man, peace!

/u/Phobos36 · N/A votes · 7th May, 2024 - 20:29 · Link

No i'm all set, just SUPER FUCKING impatient to receive the pack man. I can't wait to finally try Mescaline for the first time and see how your famous 2C-B compares to the sample order i got from SunshineIT. Take care of yourself man, peace!