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by /u/wolfx · 0 votes · 1st August, 2023 15:11

Is there a ricochet version for android?

Comments (2)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 1st August, 2023 - 16:07 · Link

Nope. Also if you care about OpSec don't use your android phone.

/u/M3V · N/A votes · 1st August, 2023 - 18:39 · Link

Thank you. This. If you do not control all the code of you computer down to the boot process and firmware then you should not trust it for comms. It gets infinitely worse when baseband chips have their own parallel OSes that have root on whatever Android fork you have on the system SOC. Android devices are an OpSec nightmare chock full of proprietary garbage. *queue an army of stupid GrapheneOS fanbois defending their right to be Googleified*

/u/wolfx · N/A votes · 1st August, 2023 - 17:52 · Link

No other option, it is hard to get a laptop over the fence

/u/wolfx · N/A votes · 1st August, 2023 - 18:50 · Link

I understand but I have no option, there is no way to get a laptop ever the fence and even if I could get it over they are to big to hide, well what about conversations app is based on xmpp protocol?

/u/windows10 · N/A votes · 4th January, 2024 - 09:20 · Link

I am guessing you only use the two very specific thinkpaad models that are ime removable then? and only take those as viable options

/u/tito33 · N/A votes · 4th August, 2023 - 21:45 · Link

Nope But there is Briar, and there is Cwtch, and there is Speek

/u/wolfx · N/A votes · 4th August, 2023 - 23:40 · Link

Thank you for passing some knowledge