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Upgraded stealth to all orders starting next week ~ CocaineInc

by /u/CocaineIncPR · 0 votes · 2024-04-12 02:05:00

we have got some feedback on certain stealth procedures and will be applying those upgrades the start of the week next week

we cant go into detail but we hear u guys we will upgrade it for u to make u more at peace

do understand stealth is very irrelvant though and if Law Enforcement knows ur routines and knows where u are dropping packs off it wont make any difference

everyone loved Insta's stealth but when he got busted the dog smelt through all 70 packages without a miss

if they know where u drop packs off thats what will get ur pack siezed not the stealth

but we will upgrade the stealth to make u guys happy anyways


btw suck a chode /u/wallstreetbet_support

Comments (6)
/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:41 · Link

lol @ "stealth is very irrelevant". your posts never cease to amaze me. Do you like to toot your own horn as practice for sucking your own dick since you can't seem to get anyone else to do it? well, other than your shill accounts where you upvote yourself and downvote all of your competition and create entirely fake vendor accounts to try to send people toxic samples of tainted product I would say take your own advice here, as you've clearly been practicing re: tooting your own horn, sadly your tiny penis is far too small to be considered a chode, so even if you manage to become flexible enough to suck yourself, it'd be more like sucking a pencildick I can't believe anyone does "business" with you at all. Do you pay dread to cover up all of your shady practices, or has nobody just put all the pieces together yet? What ever happened to Adelrangriff, anyways?

/u/unkn0wn_ · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 04:54 · Link

Holy shit... /u/DigitalShaman... I think you mightve exposed this man....

/u/unkn0wn_ · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 04:55 · Link

Btw Ive never met a crack head / meth head / heroine head that types like you. You're too smart to do drugs dude.

/u/CocaineIncPR · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:02 · Link

the only shady practices we have are the practices of bending ur mother over and fucking her doggy style while u sit in ur room playing video games dont ever forget who your real daddy is we have never created a shill account buddy and u cant believe anyone does "business" with us? ask that to the 300 orders we have in escrow and 6 figures plus in escrow right now....... arent u the same kid that was begging us for a free sample a couple weeks ago your probably butthurt we didnt send u anything and you were asking our advice on what pure cocaine looks like in our DMs too......... ur probably so stupid u think every USPS package gets X-rayed and a dog smells every USPS package too right? remember son we birthed u go ask ur mom who ur real dad is she has CocaineInc tattoeed on her tramp stamp she got that tatoo at the same place we sold her that crack rock on the corner street right down ur house where she used to be a prostitute

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:21 · Link

The only way you'll impress me with your stealth is if you disappear entirely and nobody ever sees or hears from you again.

/u/CocaineIncPR · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:22 · Link

keep wishing bitch tell ur mom we said hi by the way who said anything about wanting to impress u? who are u? your just a nobody on dread asking every vendor for free product ur better off selling ur ass on the same corner street that ur mom did

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:57 · Link

I'm your english teacher, here to teach you the difference between your and you're - i notice you seem to struggle with this on your posts a lot. Is english not your first lang or do you have a speech impediment from sucking your own dick so hard?

/u/CocaineIncPR · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 19:03 · Link

yea good one buddy ur comebacks are terrible u dont want to acknowledge how u begged us for free cocaine and how u begged us for cocaine advice? dont think because u got a couple upvotes people like u or agree with u thats just shill accounts from vendors

/u/USAToday · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 02:50 · Link


/u/TripperX · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 12:56 · Link

Awful statement to make, it's not a good look for him. He's definitely unprofessional with his responses.

/u/TripperX · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 12:58 · Link

Sometimes intelligent and articulate people have demons

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 17:53 · Link

**MY** comebacks are terrible?? LOL. If you can lift up the mirror you're snorting your shit cocaine off of long enough to take a look in it, you might wanna.

/u/smurfdude · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 02:37 · Link

Insta had some good coke a few years ago. Didn't they get busted becuase of crypto mistakes and cashing out which got them watched? I can't remember the whole story. I had grabbed some personal from them a few times long time ago. A drop that no longer exists under names no longer used on packs so was never worried. I think domestic packs need some minimul stealth. Couple vac seals and a visual barrier. Visual barrier is important in case mail is damaged. Who is to say they think a pack has drugs and yet dog doesn't hit so they don't have PC for the warrant? Well cops lie and maybe they poke a hole in the bag and say they could see the drugs and use that to get a warrant. So stealth plays a part to some degree. But most of the time they are after vendors and low hanging fruit to cause fear. Someone ordering an 8 ball to party on the weekends isn't going to have LEO money wasted on them for sure.

/u/CocaineIncPR · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:14 · Link

that was the original way they get caught but once they located his packs they couldnt open them without a warrant so they had a dog sniff on the packs and the dog hit on all 70 packs read the indictment

/u/smurfdude · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 19:30 · Link

Oh ok. Yeah been a while since I read any of that. I need to get on PACER one of these days and read about it.

/u/modestpaint · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 03:28 · Link

Thanks bro...always appreciated when a vendor upgrades their stealth

/u/CocaineIncPR · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:25 · Link

thank u

/u/researchingwho · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 04:00 · Link

great news! what day would be best to place an order, next Monday?

/u/CocaineIncPR · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:06 · Link

this saturday or sunday will be the start of our new stealth

/u/notaplayer · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 04:11 · Link

obvious shilling is obvious. Feels like you and wallstreetbets are the same person, and fake fighting on this. You're saying whatever you can to gain traction. Upgraded All stealth orders what's next? Faster shipping speeds Upgraded Shipping We changed our delivery area. We used to drop off in one city, and now we drop off 5 minutes away. We know your strategy is to just appear more on here. But obvious is obvious, advertise your shit 1 time a week. If you want, do some educational posts. You posted this 2 days ago /post/f23279e0f1e92d7ec71d

/u/unkn0wn_ · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 04:56 · Link

Hey SnowBunni! I hope you fuckers are doing well!

/u/CocaineIncPR · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:11 · Link

another snowbunni shill how pathetic u idiot u really thought u had us with the "advertise ur shit 1 time a week" u dumbass we spoke to mods before we posted anything https://dump.li/image/6bf16ffb00aeb748.png u clown vendors still are shilling and u dont realize that everyone is seeing past the bullshit by now nobody wants a vendor who is bullshitting around with their customers saying theyre on vacation mode one day and the other day they blame USPS for delays and the other day they say they went out of the country why do u think we have so much business ? its because we are transparent and dont bullshit our buyers and it also helps that we have the best cocaine in america and we ship every single day you losers are so pathetic u could never destroy us no matter how hard u tried we will forever run the coke game until we decide we dont want to anymore suck wallstreetbets chode bitch

/u/known11 · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 19:44 · Link

Kinda ironic this guy /u/unkn0wn_ commenting on other people's arguments while he scamming others on his own. your day comming buddy...

/u/notaplayer · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 05:08 · Link

An odd one... I'm not snowbunni, but if I say I'm not, you're gonna say I'm defending myself. That's like me saying you are winstonwolf. The rules gotta be the same for everyone, you don't see winston (yourself) posting like that.

/u/SynchronizeThis · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 06:45 · Link

man it's always the baby accounts hating on CocaineInc. Y'all must really hate how low his prices are huh?

/u/Tootbrain · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 14:15 · Link

no it's the tantrums, and meltdowns, and total lack of anything resembling professionalism that does it for me

/u/SynchronizeThis · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 16:53 · Link

dude it's the DW. If you're looking for professionalism go on linkedin

/u/CocaineIncPR · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:21 · Link

/u/Tootbrain nah its not a tantrum we just destroy our enemies whenever we are attacked our client base gets the upmost professionalism when it comes to there orders all of our enemies though will get destroyed every single time

/u/notaplayer · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 08:01 · Link

You mean the price fixing that's going on? The bannable offense? Lots of people sell for cheaper my guy. /post/ca01a490d4c6f77dc20d/

/u/SynchronizeThis · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 08:05 · Link

yeah? like who? name good coke vendors for "cheaper" price with over 1000 positive feedback, I'll be right here. thx king.

/u/notaplayer · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 08:05 · Link

wallstbets has quite a few orders tbh honestly, i got no skin in this game. More suppliers the better for me.

/u/SynchronizeThis · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 08:08 · Link

have you seen how many disputes he got on arch? lol

/u/notaplayer · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 08:11 · Link

Realistically they should show disputes as a percentage of orders. He does seem to fuck up orders a lot and blames USPS, but in terms of good blow at good prices, he's definitely up there. His shipping and mixing up orders is kinda where he fucks up.

/u/SynchronizeThis · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 08:24 · Link

Have you tried /u/CokeMonk?

/u/notaplayer · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 08:31 · Link

cokemonk's a bit new still i think. Gonna have to give him a shot, how's his stuff compare to pryme?

/u/SynchronizeThis · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 08:33 · Link

haven't had pryme, but cokemonk's rolex batch was lovely. aside from that, I also never had any issues with CocaineInc, always fast shipping and good coke. Snowbunni was fine too until he scammed me on supermarket for an oz then saying he has a shipping label for me.

/u/notaplayer · N/A votes · 12th April, 2024 - 17:52 · Link

[pending moderation]

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 17:56 · Link

You're one to talk, with your super veteran account containing 4 posts - lmao.

/u/SynchronizeThis · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 18:14 · Link

sorry man I kinda have a life outside the DW. please forgive me.

/u/DigitalShaman · N/A votes · 14th April, 2024 - 18:04 · Link

What's got you so upset? Finally getting called out on all your bullshit? You do know that "PR" stands for Public Relations and you seem to be doing quite poorly at them. Perhaps you should spend less time shouting how great you are on the internet and do a bit of research into how to run an actual business with proper customer service - you've got customers waiting on answers about their shipments from you and yet you're on here typing like an angry 14yo, trying to discredit specific competitors of yours whom many people without baby bottle account seem to be backing up, meanwhile the closest thing I see doing that for you on this thread is a guy with a total of 4 posts and a dread score of 0. All the namecalling must just be projecting, does calling people by names all the time like "loser" make you feel like less of one? You're not going to win this one. Note how I used You're with an apostrophe there? That's called a contraction and it's short for "You Are", not to be confused with your, which is a possessive pronoun. If you can master this extremely difficult aspect of the English language, it could enhance your PR skills dramatically. Then people can more easily understand the nonsense you're spouting without having to run it through a grammar check first.

/u/tatertots · N/A votes · 13th April, 2024 - 01:40 · Link

Stealth is intended to protect against accidental discovery, not law enforcement. There are vendors who have stealth so good that my mother could open the package and she wouldn't know what's inside. NONE of the coke vendors I've purchased from have stealth that good... everyone here uses basic seals and basic barriers The best stealth hides it right in plain sight Stoked to hear you're upgrading! Never a bad thing.