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expresss satchel stamp - cash by mail

by /u/tubakingdom27 · 0 votes · 2023-07-03 10:39:00

i noticed that the post office stamps over the barcode of the express satchel with date and suburb of purchase when i buy. is this only because i pay in cash or do they do this for card purchases too?

im just concerned that the stamp puts the parcel under more scrutiny in some way. obviously i am not doing anything illegal by sending cash but im just worried it raises the risk of a postal worker nabbing the money, because of this extra scrutiny.

the PO worker told me the stamp just proves the satchel has been paid for, but i thought maybe they only do this for cash purchases?

i could easily rub that stamp out before sending to help alleviate some risk?

anyone have any intel on this/ experience?


Comments (1)
/u/0nthacase · N/A votes · 3rd July, 2023 - 14:36 · Link

[removed by moderators]

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 4th July, 2023 - 04:08 · Link

hey mate - this is considered a direct deal and not allowed on the sub. things like this are a gateway to being scammed.