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Bohemia Exposed- info on how I found out Pending Approval

by /u/marketexposer · 0 votes · 6th December, 2023 19:45

[pending approval]

Comments (7)
/u/CodeIsLaw · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 19:52 · Link

Was it Cocaine?

/u/HumanPie · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 19:50 · Link

Hello! Could you please provide any piece of information which would back up your claims?

/u/daretofa1l · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 19:51 · Link

daym man, that sucks, fuck that bs

/u/BlackCubeMythos · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 20:13 · Link

Let me get this straight. -This account placed a series of orders for ALL your stock in minimum quantities -Did you SHIP any serious # of these orders? -has any # of orders been disputed?

/u/IttyBittyBadBoy · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 20:14 · Link

wheres the post?

/u/strace · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 20:16 · Link

Damn those bohemian operators are just milking it, ready to go the distance with their most gullible members who still believe in them and milk them for every last drop. Brutal.

/u/MonopolyMan69 · N/A votes · 6th December, 2023 - 23:30 · Link

where's the info?