
N/A subscribers


K Suggestions?

by /u/zinc_chef · 0 votes · 2024-04-16 14:13:00

G'day lads,

Haven't been on in a while and have noticed that the monopoly that was INC is no longer with us.

Was just curious if anyone has any suggestions for banger quality K? Been reading through /d/reviewsoz and have seen fairly recent reviews and suggestions for Coota, but unless im just braindead and can't find them, they appear to be on vacation too. ApexSupplies haven't been seen on this week either.

Anyone that has ordered recently got any vendor suggestions?


Comments (6)
/u/guybloke69 · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 14:38 · Link

Theres a new vendor called big W with pretty sweet intro offers of S-Ket if you're willing to give them a go If not my go to guys are ObsidianBoutique and Coota

/u/quelatte · N/A votes · 16th April, 2024 - 15:33 · Link

Blitz has quality shrads get in touch the product is tested top notch

/u/dontlaugh · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 01:53 · Link

sounds legit lol

/u/Norty · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 02:10 · Link

*raises hand* From the testing that has been done so far it ticks all the boxes, just waiting for purity results to come back from GYDT. Ran a giveaway at the start of the month, revfiews will (hopefully) be up soon on /d/reviewsoz. Sold more ounces than smaller amount but they're all repeat customers so that can only be a good thing. Right?

/u/burner666 · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 08:56 · Link

What market you on and what's username? Can't say I've seen any ket listing's under your name and looking to purchase tomorrow

/u/burner666 · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 09:32 · Link

Dw found ya on abacus, will order to.orrow morning

/u/Norty · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 16:40 · Link

Mad dog!

/u/nugget · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 03:15 · Link

I would give /u/Norty a go, Does the job very well and high quality. Straight to purple with Morris reagent. I will write up a review soon when I have time. Seems like a professional and very easy to connect with him.

/u/Norty · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 03:40 · Link

Aw thanks buddy! <3

/u/nugget · N/A votes · 17th April, 2024 - 09:44 · Link

Just to add, fuck me your stealth is A1, international standard. It would take a big effort to find the goodies. From stealth postage to stealth hiding spot, fuck mate, what a great idea!!! The only other stealth I seen to this standard was 4 or 5 yrs ago from Aus Coke King, his was next level like yours. I will be happy to be ordering Oz's with this stealth employed.

/u/monkeyface · N/A votes · 18th April, 2024 - 07:11 · Link

Costco's was good, positive experience. Would buy again

/u/demislim · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 07:42 · Link

Tried Auskelloggs on Archetyp recently and it was good stuff! Norty also seems to have the goods at the moment, unfortunately missed out on their giveaway but I may get around to giving it a go sooner or later! Costco was decent but just a touch below other vendors quality wise. Otherwise there's a couple of others, Coles (more noted for coke and on expensive side) and Apothecarist (Also very expensive and the rock ket may be an analogue)

/u/Norty · N/A votes · 19th April, 2024 - 09:10 · Link

If the product being sold to you as ketamine is a rock - it's more than likely to be 2FDCK. Ketamine doesnt 'rock'. :)