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Using an anonymous proxy after Tor to register for sites that block Tor exit nodes?

by /u/kellog · 0 votes · 17th March, 2022 01:01

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Comments (2)
/u/Paris · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 02:15 · Link

This is how I do it with Qubes OS. You have internet -> Net -> Firewall -> Whonix Gateway -> VPN (which you use a residential IP VPN like "StarVPN" [TCP ONLY TO CONNECT]) -> Regular VM which you do everything. You can of course just connect to it with your regular VM too but I like separating all connection layers to containerize the pathings.

/u/HeadJanitor · N/A votes · 17th March, 2022 - 02:59 · Link

OP's post: Using an anonymous proxy after Tor to register for sites that block Tor exit nodes? Re 911