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Monopoly might just save the darkweb

by /u/StandardCocaine · 0 votes · 2019-08-09 07:20:00

Most old timers like me, that has been around since SR1, will 100% agree that 2019 has been, by far, the worst time to be around darkweb.

If I look back, I would say that the Golden years we're from 2013 to 2015. Evolution & Agora were years ahead of their time... so much better than anything we've had since.

Not only did the market used to be better but also the community too. People were so much more active, sometime I wonder were all the people went really.

You also had a googlel4drug service called grams; a service that /u/hugbunter tried to replicated, a centralized database of each sellers based from the PGP key and displaying market history/feedback on each pages + a GREAT search engine.

Since then it has been slowly but surely degrading into this steeming pile of shit we have today. AlphaBay's closure ringed the end of this era, a bit like the fall of rome... things had been going progressevely bad until the "offical" end.

We're in 2019 now, and market from 5 years ago we're much MUCH better.

The good old days are definitely behind, sometimes I ask myself if all of this is still worth it in all honesty.
*EDIT* This is the post I posted maybe 2 weeks ago....

I went on darklive tonight to check the news and saw this thing called Monopoly... Scrolling their website I was hit by a dopamine rush. This IS going to be the next thing.

Accountless,walletless,transparacy with current disputes,proven vendors only,MONERO,mirrors for vendors(hard to ddos everything). I don't actually remember the last time I was this exited for a new market, perhaps since EVO (after SR2 falls things went AWOL for a couple months).

I don't know who is behind this market but thank god and bless your souls.



Comments (6)
/u/Hermeticism88 · N/A votes · 10th August, 2019 - 10:17 · Link

I'm also watching this market. I feel as though it is the future of dnm's. I cant wait to use it. I'm a customer but see the benefits of monopoly.

/u/slipperytubedude · N/A votes · 12th August, 2019 - 07:26 · Link

Where did the people go? They did not pass go or collect 200$.

/u/BillieEilish · N/A votes · 9th August, 2019 - 09:09 · Link

I honestly think this is the year where things really start to take shape. All the old dogs Dream, Wallst basically gone. Platforms like DDW gone. You can see this as a downfall. Or you can see this as we have a clean slate to build with. What we didn't like about the old markets we can fix in the new ones. Outreach programs trying to take DDW place will better protect themselves and have a martyr to fuel their fire. In order for the true potential of this platform to shine the old pillars and structures needed to be burned down. But from the ashes will grow a new and better DN. Give it time. Think of it as a reset. If you were around in SR1 days than imagine this period as a repeat of the period right before SR1. Stuffs gonna blow up again, way more than it ever did. And we will be better prepared for it than we ever have before. This is just the start of a new era.

/u/BillieEilish · N/A votes · 9th August, 2019 - 09:11 · Link

I didn't see your edit but it seems we are like minded in this. New technology and ideas is gonna lead to a new possibly better era of the DN community. Stick with it and we will witness history

/u/StandardCocaine · N/A votes · 9th August, 2019 - 16:12 · Link

I sure open you are right. There have been a couple of "dead" period, especially after a big market fell. However, ever since AlphaBay's fall it has been shit... it's been a while. You need to understand that Dream Market was seen as a joke for MANY years, the only realy why it did get sucessful was because they were no real other markets.

/u/ergonuc · N/A votes · 27th August, 2019 - 13:28 · Link

100% agree with your comment on Dream. No one was using Dream when the legendary markets were there (Agora to name only one).

/u/StandardCocaine · N/A votes · 27th August, 2019 - 16:01 · Link

Agora, putain j'aimerais pouvoir y vendre!

/u/ergonuc · N/A votes · 27th August, 2019 - 16:16 · Link

Oui enfin autant c'était une belle communauté, coté sécu jamais vu la moindre faille, sans parlé de leur honneté, par contre si tu te rappelles bien c'était une vrai galere, les requetes se vautraient tout le temps une vrai misere. En tant qu'acheteur c'était déjà compliqué, j'ose pas imaginer en tant que vendeur. Mais total respect pour les mecs qu'étaient derriere, la grande classe. J'espere qu'ils coulent des jours heureux

/u/StandardCocaine · N/A votes · 28th August, 2019 - 17:56 · Link

J'imagine que oui, j'avais deja parler avec un Admin et deja il etait sur une fortune en BTC... c'est pour ca qui on arrete. Le BTC etait a moin que 500e a l'epoque..

/u/MonopolyOfficial · N/A votes · 9th August, 2019 - 22:29 · Link


/u/StandardCocaine · N/A votes · 9th August, 2019 - 22:44 · Link

Very eager to start vending there, speaking of... I posted an application on other thread ;)

/u/[deleted] · N/A votes · 11th August, 2019 - 21:20 · Link

100% right! 90% of all the markets right now are just honey pots, You just see that they are set up purely to make money quickly, half does not work or is simply a clone of the other.

/u/2gWhbVVNcaJxmKNhThPzDtLZ · N/A votes · 20th August, 2019 - 06:41 · Link

The technology is good. We need to get more vendors on here. Stat.