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FeatherWallet v2.6.7 + Incident report: Denial-of-Service (28 April 2024)

by /u/localnoderunner · 0 votes · 2024-05-02 12:35:00

Incident report: Denial-of-Service (2024-05-01)

Feather versions 2.6.5 and below are no longer able to send transactions. Upgrade Feather to 2.6.6 or above to fix the issue.
Users trying to construct a transaction on 2.6.5 and below are presented with the following error message:
“Internal error: Unrealistic number of outputs in output distribution".
The bug was triggered when the number of RingCT outputs on the blockchain exceeded 100 million.

2.6.7 changelog (2024-04-29)

  • Fixes startup issues on some Linux distributions.

2.6.6 changelog (2024-04-28)

This is an emergency release to fix “Internal Error: Unrealistic number of outputs in output distribution” that prevented any transactions from being constructed.
The number of outputs on the blockchain exceeds a safety limit present in version 2.6.5 and below that was meant to mitigate output distribution poisoning. This caused a sanity check to fail during transaction construction.
Update your wallet to version 2.6.6 or later to resolve this issue.
  • added a transaction pool viewer (Tools -> Tx Pool Viewer)
  • send: options to enable ‘manual fee-tier selection’ and ‘subtract fee from amount’ were added to the transactions tab in the settings.
  • send: in automatic fee mode, an option to use the ‘High’ fee-tier is presented if there is a backlog of 3 or more blocks at the ‘Normal’ fee-tier
  • send: removed unnecessary RPC calls, which slightly speeds up construction on slow networks
  • trezor: disabled bridge transport, improved error messages
  • trezor: selecting an address in the Receive tab no longer requires device communication
  • windows: more mitigations against false-positive AV detections
  • fixed a potential crash on exit

Comments (2)
/u/Amphora · N/A votes · 2nd May, 2024 - 18:40 · Link

Thank you for this!

/u/whataname · N/A votes · 3rd May, 2024 - 07:20 · Link

Thanks. I can't believe how quickly Thotbot fixes these issues!