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Fishscale Cocaine from Coffeeshopcloud / LAB TESTED / REVIEW WITH PICTURES / 70e/1g

by /u/flipenflap · 0 votes · 2020-09-20 23:17:00

Review - Coffeeshopcloud
Type of order - Purchased at Monopoly 70e/1g
Order - Cocaine 1g
Countries - Shippe to Belgium
- - Rating
Service 5/5 Everything went smooth without even chatting
Shipping 5/5 Delivered to Belgium from Netherlands within 5-6 days after was sent.
Stealth 5/5 Very nice stealth, look like some average letter from office from some company
Communication 5/5 After the order I got message from vendor thanking for order and the details when will be send
- - Product info
Quantity 1g Received 1.02g
Price Value 5/5 70e for pure fishscale is the bargain definitely. I think that those prices will not last forever as this purity product is sold by other vendors for aroung 100e/1g
Aesthetic 5/5 Looks beautifuly, check pictures how it was shining
Reagent LAB Vendor is providing results of lab test from energy control service
Pictures - http://uoxqi4lrfqztugili7zzgygibs4xstehf5hohtkpyqcoyryweypzkwid.onion/?img=121600626588.JPG

Product was as described: Smelling, oily in fingers and shiny as fuck with big visible fish scales. Looks like pure and works like pure. Vendor has made a topic at avengers forum with details of sample ID and screenshot of results from EC. Probably the biggest bargain of my all purchases. I didn't expect much for product in this price but eventually I got top notch product lab tested at 83%, so it can't be noticeably much better. Dosage of 50mg for me works quite hard, I prefer 30mg during a day. With small dosage no hangover, no come down, you can manage trough your day with smile on your face and motivation and at the end simply go to sleep and in the morning wake up as usually, with no depression and stuff.


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