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I can decode Satoshi Nakamotos Bitcoin Wallets that are worth ~$34 million

by /u/[deleted] ยท 0 votes ยท 8th January, 2024 16:46

Bitcoin recovery service
by /u/Jeremy9x ๐Ÿผ โ€ข 11 hours ago in /d/CafeDread
If you have lost your password or seed phrase to any of your digital wallets,do well to reach out.
We are here to put back a smile on your face.
T/Cs applied.

/u/CodeIsLaw 4 points
10 hours ago
I lost my seed phrase with 5052BTC in it, Please help me recover it. If you just send me the 5000 BTC, you can keep 52BTC. Worth ~$335 Million

/u/Jeremy9x ๐Ÿ“ข ๐Ÿผ 1 points
8 hours ago
Not too fast champ
theres a process to go through

/u/Cantalina ๐Ÿผ 3 points
9 hours ago
Thank god. I need you to recover my seed phrase for my wallet. The address is: 19N9sDbJ7MDQcPFSjPNqjNDzyRNbNsQ6Zv Once you get the seed phrase just send me half and keep half for your time.

/u/SonOfAugust 1 points
10 hours ago
lmao what could go wrong

/u/Jeremy9x ๐Ÿ“ข ๐Ÿผ 1 points
8 hours ago
ok thats fair enough

/u/Hourglass 1 points
6 hours ago
Kill yourself scammer

/u/HippySurfer 1 points
6 hours ago
Could you help me with my accounts? I'm not very good at passwords.Some of Satoshi Nakamotos BTC wallets. ~$34 Million

1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa 72.73 BTC
12cbQLTFMXRnSzktFkuoG3eHoMeFtpTu3S 18.43 BTC
12c6DSiU4Rq3P4ZxziKxzrL5LmMBrzjrJX 51.35 BTC
1HLoD9E4SDFFPDiYfNYnkBLQ85Y51J3Zb1 50.07 BTC
1FvzCLoTPGANNjWoUo6jUGuAG3wg1w4YjR 50 BTC
15ubicBBWFnvoZLT7GiU2qxjRaKJPdkDMG 50.06 BTC
1JfbZRwdDHKZmuiZgYArJZhcuuzuw2HuMu 50 BTC
1GkQmKAmHtNfnD3LHhTkewJxKHVSta4m2a 50 BTC
16LoW7y83wtawMg5XmT4M3Q7EdjjUmenjM 50.02 BTC
1J6PYEzr4CUoGbnXrELyHszoTSz3wCsCaj 50 BT

/u/CodeIsLaw 1 points
4 hours ago
He sent me a private message with a gmail address telling me to email him lol.

/u/HippySurfer 1 points
4 hours ago
Is it as good as the I got? I think Dread needs to see it.

Your BTC holdings are impressive. Roughly 334,000,000. Can you loan me a couple of million till next Friday?Dread beggar in the making?

/u/CodeIsLaw 1 points
4 hours ago

Hello CodeIsLaw
i trust you doing great,
There is a procedure to recovering your digital asset.
send me an email
[email protected]

/u/HippySurfer 1 points
4 hours ago
Either he doesn't know what a BTC is worth or he can't operate a calculator. Very scary either way.

I was only kidding about the loan. /u/Jeremy9x is going to recover the 33 Million from my accounts.

/u/Jeremy9x ๐Ÿ“ข ๐Ÿผ 1 points
4 hours ago
I am confident of my ability to deliver,so you can keep on dragging...
like i said,... i really don,t give a shit

/u/HippySurfer 1 points
5 hours ago
Hello mate,
thats a lot of bitcoin wallets,
do you own all these?

Well i am capable to grant you access to all.
but there,s a process,when you ready
send me a mail.

[email protected]
Congrats in Advance

14 minutes ago
You are so fucking clueless!!! I've just gotten back to chair my after rolling around on the floor laughing at you.

Those wallets belong to Satoshi Nakamoto, I'm going back to your post to add this!!!
just now

/u/Jeremy9x ๐Ÿ“ข ๐Ÿผ 1 points
4 hours ago
I really dont give a shit what you do
am here to help as many that need my help

in DM

Hello mate,
thats a lot of bitcoin wallets,
do you own all these?

Well i am capable to grant you access to all.
but there,s a process,when you ready
send me a mail.

[email protected]
Congrats in Advance

5 hours ago
You are so fucking clueless!!! I've just gotten back to chair my after rolling around on the floor.

Those wallets belong to Satoshi Nakamoto, I'm going back to the to your post to add this!!!
5 hours ago
I really dont give a shit what you do
am here to help as many that need my help

4 hours ago

User: /u/[deleted]

I had your Flair ready in all my other subs. I thought I might see you on /d/Xanax 18k subs, or /d/Free_Guides 15k subs or even /d/Guides with 1k. I didn't expect to see you in a sub with 17 subs and 4 Posts! I love this sub.