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You should always be wary of a person who doesnt accept constructive criticism

by /u/Noseriously · 0 votes · 2022-01-02 17:41:00

Monopoly admin was more then an asshole. He was a delusional psychotic manipulator. He created his own forum within his market and one of his subdreads was labled "Improvement suggestions" anytime you would give a suggestion to improve his market he would ban you. The only reason this market ever got attention was because Mr.White promoted Monopoly Market as they where exiting. This market would of never ever reached the heights it did without the aid of WHM.

Now all these vendors are scared to speak how they really feel because even if there is a 1% chance Monopoly comes back he will ban any vendor who gave their honest two cents.

My two cents have always been Fuck Monopoly and the admin. He stole millions of dollars and acted like it was the holidays to blame. If his market really was experiencing downtime why would he respond to comments on Dread and not repair his market? He sits back and laughs with his new stolen millions. While all these vendors continue to dick suck in hopes that this faggot comes back.

My condolences out to the vendors who lost a lot of money. You deserve better. What a terrible way to end the year. Atleast you can start your new begining elsewhere on a better market. In my opinion Mr. Blonde was the only one who went out the right way.

There is no returning after this if he does comeback how could anyone trust the market?

User: /u/TCS13579

Plot Twist, Mr.White controlled both markets with different set up dynamics. As Elon Musk often states, Fate loves Irony.