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Empire warning - PSA

by /u/Heinous · 0 votes · 6th March, 2020 10:35


User: /u/Layla

Definitely /u/Se7en and /u/Melbourne, want to know why this post without any actual evidences, based on personal dislikes, biases, prejudices and speculations is pinned by a mod of this sub-category, if there wasn't any prior permission from, paris and hugbunter, your moderators are misusing powers and creating a fake public opinion by fear mongering and FUDDy pinned posts and also by propaganda of early-exit scam signs,which is clearly reflected in the OPs narrative. As for Empire, they've lasted a while, but the future is never set in stone, best explained by this guy, who is highly credible: Empire Market. There has been a non stop smear campaign and DDoS campaign against Empire, which is usually followed by the then #2 market exiting. Users smear Empire and shill Nightmare, then Nightmare exits Users smear Empire and shill Samsara, then Samsara exits Users smear Empire and shill Cryptonia, then Cryptonia exits Users smear Empire and shill Berlusconi, then Berlusconi exits Users smear Empire and shill Apollon, then Apollon exits Don't believe all the repetitive FUD you hear about Empire Market. They come either from smear campaigns or from phished users. Just because Empire is fighting a DDoS at the moment, doesn't mean you should immediately flock to the next smaller market. They are the only market that has proved they intend to stick around.