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by /u/dontlaugh · 0 votes · 2023-07-03 10:06:00

thanks for everyone being patient with this, but we really wanted to get this right and not just install people that didn't have the best interests of the sub at heart. obviously, that is not entirely unavoidable, but given how much i care about the sub and you cunts (most of you), here's hoping.

after the [PSA] WE NEED A NEW MOD TEAM post: /post/07acc172761f7029404f
we've gotten a number of nominations some that will potentially work, others that will not.

just to clarify some specifics on who is going to be eligible that have come from the last post:

- no vendors
- no Market reps/admins/staff/mods/PR etc
- must identify as an Aussie(in our timezones, understands our markets and the local DN scene)
- must not have a history of Fraud/Commercialisation in their post history
- no new accounts and must have a history on the sub of some sort.

Now on to the list of nominations that are eligible so far and their application:


/u/weirdaf1 - /post/07acc172761f7029404f/#c-688bb2a7e3c77101d9

/u/sirtiltalot - /post/07acc172761f7029404f/#c-c851d7249dc86ab3a2

/u/gofastyeah - /post/07acc172761f7029404f/#c-28bb2a9853aabc85cf

<EDIT> /u/NorthOfNexus - /post/e1343d0b6c3fe85ebdca/#c-4f7ed3ed97ad3cc4f7

/u/polarbear987 - /post/07acc172761f7029404f/#c-ff9ad515b188f0b1e6
/u/diondavenport69 also applied but directly to my PM's and never posted a public application. as this is a last call, i'll leave it to him to post his application here if he still wants to.
was nominated but did not respond to nomination to accept but is technically eligible

/u/HippySurfer was nominated but did not respond to nomination to accept but is technically eligible


now on to those that didn't make it and why:


/u/TTTz - not aussie(although identifies as a kangaroo) and market rep/PR for abacus

/u/newbieforever2018 - not aussie and market rep/PR/affiliated

/u/SexyPenguin - not aussie

/u/nasyer - not aussie and identifies as LE

/u/PelicanVendor - not aussie and an ex vendor. history of non action on the sub when moderated previously

/u/blacklist12345 - account not old enough

and lastly...

/u/SteveIrwin - i know a lot of people might disagree, but the sub would be best served keeping a test4pay moderator/founder separate from DNAus moderation. don't get me wrong - love the work they have done, but i still have concerns like some others that the operation is at the end of the day commercial and inadvertently that could potentially cause conflicts of interest.
it is also worth noting that /u/SteveIrwin first interactions on dread were to run competitions on various subs that to me at the time looked to be gathering support for a commercial operation - this was something i further felt was true based on the now removed posts of his relating to an interest check for setting up a dedicated 'Aussie' darknet marketplace /post/e180eeb2f6baea198bd0
and no - it doesn't look great that all comments have been removed from these posts in an attempt to scrub them from your history.

in saying all this about SI, i didn't want to just poopoo without an explanation. again, don't get me wrong, i think T4Pay does some great work, but with the donations now stacking up and the lack of certain aspects of transparency around funding, i think it is best served by keeping that relationship separated. if it aint broke and all that....

i will be encouraging the new mod team to set up closer relationships and communications with the T4P team as i think it will only improve the sub.

what now?

shill, cast dispersion, shout their praises, drag up their history (or lack thereof)... do what you will and perhaps you can let us know something that we all missed in the previous post.

feel free for any last minute nominations that are eligible and we'll hopefully have a new mod team by around this time next week once the dread admins have done their final perusal of the nominations.

take care and stay safe - dl

User: /u/gofastyeah

Good investigation son, Polar is cut, Nexus is in