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International shipments awaiting clearance and love letters

by /u/throwawayguy987 · 0 votes · 2023-03-24 03:19:00

When it comes to international shipments, after how long with the latest tracking update being awaiting clearance (inbound) do you think the shipment isn't arriving? From my experience, it usually takes under 1 day to progress for shipments that arrive, but those that don't never get past this. I've seen some people on reddit and whirlpool recently say they've had packages (which I assume are legit) take a while to progress past this stage (or are still waiting), so I'm not sure if something taking longer than 1 day or so means it's gone at this point.

Also, I never have nor know of anyone who has received a love letter that a drug shipment of theirs got seized, rather we have just had non delievered shipments If you don't get a letter, does that maybe it means it wasn't seized (so the shipment didn't arrive perhaps due to wrong paperwork etc), or can it be seized and just no letter sent through?

User: /u/morlvob

it always depends, here in USA most of my packs would get cleared within 1 day, sometimes 2 or 3 days, and the longest was 8 days in customs. shit was sketch af picking that one up lmao but made it safely