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World market status :

by /u/makarov · 0 votes · 21st March, 2022 17:50

The admin and server teams are working hard to get us back up and running.

I want you to know that I believe in this team and we are working hard to get the market back up and running.

We are in no way trying to exit, and I hope that we get these issues resolved.

At this point, I can not give any timeline.

User: /u/PsycheShop

It looks like a database fuckup not an exit. A site does an exit when the site is humming along perfectly fine with lots of business when they are at their apex, not after a few weeks of limping along due to false scares and FUDs forcing people to be cautious. They had way more money on the site a month ago than they have had the last couple weeks. I think they are just having tech issues which may or may not be solved (hopefully they are). None of the guys have probably slept in days and communicating is probably not their priority. They may eventually throw up their hands and say "fuck it, we give up, we are done" but I don't think any of this is planned in anyway.