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SuperMarket Maintenance Update - Transparency Report - Back Online In 24 Hours

by /u/MommaBear · 0 votes · 2024-03-13 17:25:00


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The following post is an update and complete account of the events that transpired during the recent maintenance period on SuperMarket. In this post we will openly go over all the details and provide you with everything that has taken place to resolve these issues.

A brief recap of the events that led up to this:
At approximately 11:17 AM UTC on March 8th a bug was NOT responsibly disclosed and was publicly posted on the /d/Super sub dread. The bug was the result of the Monero RPC becoming overloaded resulting in one-time time payments to be duplicated and sent to the Monero daemon repeatedly. This bug was NOT part of the market but instead was part of the official Monero RPC.

What wasn't disclosed and why:
Approximately 1 hour after the bug had been made public it occurred again completely draining the market wallets. During our research we found that the bug was a result of the Monero RPC becoming overloaded and was not a bug in the market itself. Upon discovering this we immediatley disabled all transaction processing and systematically took access to the market down while also informing Dread staff of the entire situation. During this time we began assessing the situation as a whole and began establishing a plan to resolve all issues that were present. Due to these events taking place in the midst of the chaos ensuing with Incognito's exit and extortion scam we were very careful with the information we published while we assessed the situation and worked towards a resolution.

The steps taken:
Our team completely overhauled our payout system, thoroughly audited all code and updates, and painstakingly tested all potential edge cases to ensure every aspect of our financial system was secured. We have taken full responsibility for this issue and our team has pooled together our personal funds as well as profits earned from the market and replaced all lost funds to ensure all users and vendors are whole and don't experience any loss whatsoever from this.

Moving forward:
At this time we can confidently say we have taken the necessary steps to ensure this sort of issue never happens again, we have thoroughly audited and tested the marketplace to ensure user funds are safe. We accept responsibility for what took place and will continue to uphold our high moral standards and integrity, we are committed to this community. We will be restoring access to all mirrors and users may continue conducting business as usual. The market will be live within 24 hours and we will begin working through all active tickets and vendor applications as quickly as possible.

We appreciate everyone's patience and understanding while we navigated this difficult situation.



User: /u/RevenantChild

Awesome work. Well done..!