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Stay on Dread longer! (FEB 14 STATUS UPDATE)

by /u/Paris · 0 votes · 14th February, 2021 23:10

So the current status of dread's uptime is getting better. We have deployed so many fronts that when the introduction points are pushed and attacked generally the fronts will recover and the people who have created and kept their circuits can stay on the site quite stability over a longer period of time.

So if you want to be able to get on dread and stay on dread let me let you know how to do it.

  • First go to dread and pass the endgame captcha
  • If the page loads right afterwards and you can sign in, do so.
  • There will probably be a period where the front is overloaded and your connection slows
  • Instead of getting a new circuit or new identity. Refresh the page and get a coffee or something.
  • After the page loads you probably have a good circuit on the front that isn't now overloaded
  • Browse Dread like normal. Post a lot. Visit our advertisers to show them support for helping out dread in this time period.

It's a bit annoying but Dread can't be completely taken down anymore for a prolonged period of time. If you can create a circuit to a front and sign in. Don't get a new identity or create a new circuit. The only time you do that is when the whole site's connection has failed (as in there isn't any circuit anymore, probably do to a guard node dying).

If all else fails get a new identity and try again. Maybe with your friends take bets on the luck of getting on dread. You might find you are luckier than you thought.

We are looking at integrating POW into the Tor source right now. Chances of it being added and deployed on the network isn't that high, however it would allow us to move forward the network's POW implementation.

Edit: all ads have been extended by another 7 days. No advertiser ever pays for downtime. Even if it's caused by an asshole.

User: /u/hawk6man

How do you allow ads on Dread? I usually see a small one on the right side. Are there any more?