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Please Help With Electrum Issue

by /u/WhoKnowsBruh · 0 votes · 2020-08-10 21:23:00

I have the newest version of tails and everything has been running great since the upgrade (for a few weeks now). Yesterday, my dumbass tried installing Blockstream Green Wallet (long story why I felt like I needed to do this at the time) onto Tails to see if it would work. It did not work. Could not get it running at all, even though I tried downloading their Linux desktop version (that is also relatively a new release). Saved the file and extracted, etc. in the Tor Browser folder, since I figured it should not mess with anything in my persistence and should be removed upon rebooting Tails. Now, some weird things are happening with Electrum. Most of the time upon starting Tails, when I click on Electrum to open the program, it will show it wants to open on the top bar of the home screen, but disappears and never opens. BUT, sometimes it will open and run just fine. Also, now there is a random, very small incoming transaction (like 10 cents worth) of bitcoin incoming, but remaining unconfirmed, in my Electrum wallet. I never made a transaction anywhere near that small, so does not make any sense. I have been using Electrum for quite some time, and never experienced any of these issues. I can only assume that trying to install Blockstream Green Wallet screwed with the Electrum files on Tails, considering all of these issues came RIGHT AFTER trying to install the Blockstream Green Wallet. Any ideas what in the world could be happening? Is there any security risks or concerns from me trying to download Blockstream Green Wallet onto my Tails when I have a lot of persistence data? Thanks in advance.

User: /u/[deleted]

Basically yes. When you boot Tails then it loads itself from the USB-Stick into RAM and locks your harddrive. Tails does not touch your harddrive or any file on it. So to fire back from your harddrive into Tails your hardware(!) would need to be infected and in that case using Tails would not help much anymore at all. In case someone needs to deal with infected or backdoored hardware Qubes should be strongly prefered instead of Tails.