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Flualprazolam or Bromazolam Blotters SHIPPED 🌟WORLDWIDE🌟

by /u/BadApple · 0 votes · 2024-04-14 22:18:00

Our Blotter listings are now available WORLDWIDE with lettermail shipping.
If you're unfamilliar with lettermail or too impatient to wait for it this listing is not for you.

Shop name is BadApple.

Find the listing on: Archetyp.


  • Tracking may be requested 48h after marked shipped.
  • Ships 2-3 times weekly.
  • All orders are shipped with Tracking and Extras!
  • Contact us for custom orders.

  • 1mg Protonitazene Blotters
  • 1mg Bromazolam Blotters
  • 1mg Flualprazolam Blotters
  • 4mg Bromazolam Capsules
  • 2mg Protonitazene Capsules
  • Eutylone Crystal

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  • Name
  • Street
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  • City, Province, Postal Code
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User: /u/Ih8u

Its funny, Ive been eying your blotter sample pack listing for a while! I almost even messaged asking why no US shipping option for the blotters but did for the capsules.. I almost ordered your capsules the other day but I was worried about stealth I read a comment someone had theres seized by customs.. Ill keep you in mind next time I make an order for sure