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this is vendor "bussing"s plan because he a little crybaby bitch

by /u/blckpwr3 · 0 votes · 2024-04-14 03:14:00


the vendor /u/bussing was banned by us, 30 minutes ago he notified us that he will blackmail us with your customer data.
I write you this message to notify you, to be careful, as we can not stop him from doing anything with it. You might need to clean your house of any illegal substances to make sure no harm can happen to you from an exposure.

The message he sent us is the following:

You guys banned my vending account. Before you think about banning this account keep in mind we can deal with this issue in house. If you guys decide to ban this account and we lose communication. Then I can just take it public and leak sensitive customer information. Your first thought will probably be that it wouldnt matter. But by releasing hundreds of usernames, names and addresses extracted from sales off your market. Im sure it'll make a nice dent in your security reputation. This can easily be framed as a hack against your market on darkweb forums. Or hey even if you want to air out this conversation it will still be a significant hit and cause alot of uncomfort for many people involved or not. And considering Incognitos threat looming in the air right now. Alot of people are going to be very afraid and most likely not want to deal with your market or at the very least new sign up memberships.


This is a very small sample from a data collection list we have put together since the beginnning of archtyp, yes since early 2022. This wasn't the only account we have had on your market over the past few years and if demands aren't met then it won't be the last either. Take the example seriously because theres at least a couple hundred names and addresses along with shipping labels we can air out over the open internet.
You guys banned the account sure sucks for me. But I have nothing to lose. The name, password, PGP key, PIN were exclusively for that one account. The XMR was deposited into a burner account which transfers funds to another account that cashes out through another wallet.
Chances are your market will stay up but the smear of airing out customer data will last for as long as youre around. But I can assure you we will bleed you slowly and release information maybe 10 accounts at a time over a lengthy amount of time and make a show of it over dozens of Dread and reddit groups. You can try to delete posts as fast as you see them. But more will pop up over different communities. Sowing fear towards your community and those who look on. Sadly the names involved will suffer the most but in the end their pain will be on your hands.

500k USD to 49ZHSd91Y9YGTkafeNS4NZLSTde5VjFuD7WNPch8i3kr28w3QUiBWywHNF6tG1zghTH3dYBMptA89WAR9dYKmHzc8ZdNC1N

Keep this conversation open with the account unbanned. Failure to do so will result in the first 10 account leak in 24 hours. And we will create another ticket from a different account anyways.
If funds are deposited then there will be no reponse.
Take the easy way out and pay the tax of doing business. We all know the headaches associated with customer account leaks. Follow through with the payment and there will be no mention of any of this ever again.

If you have any questions, please do not directly reply but open a ticket via /help instead.

User: /u/ZillaKami138

And we don't negotiate with Mangionies!