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Proof that Dread is Corrupt - HugBunter stealing money from Vendors

by /u/jajawed · 0 votes · 19th December, 2023 01:19

This post /post/679670bb49f835615595 of /u/WinstonWolf complaining that HugBunter took his money for a vendor shop and ghosted him, was deleted by Dread staff.

The post wasn't FUD and didn't break any rules. Why did Dread delete it?

2 big vendors confirmed they were in the same situation: /u/OPENLINEVENDOR and /u/rambouk2uk (/u/crackheaddom101's commented too) replied to the post saying "hug got me for $10,000" they also got money taken from HugBunter but...

These comments were completely ERASED. They don't show [removed by staff] they are COMPLETELY ERASED from Dread. They don't even show up deleted. Check yourself. Confirm this by checking here /post/5e93a026bcc4a3d15a9d/#c-8b627f0f630b6c839f or asking them.

Dread staff are erasing any evidence of this. Why?

User: /u/PelicanVendor

Because it's not scamming if the goverment is doing it