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Fraud as a Profession... How do you view FRAUD? Amateur or True Pro?

by /u/mevoy · 0 votes · 2024-05-02 13:41:00

Every now and then, I like to write a post a bit outside of the norm here where I zoom out a bit and shed light on the larger picture of FRAUD instead of the basic day to day operational stuffs.

How do you view Fraud?
What do you aspire to achieve in this space?
Side gig or High Paying Profession?
Caper/Flexer/Low level scammer or Top Tier Pro?

I think the space of Fraud lately seem to have sadly deteriorated to some degree.
If you pay attention to the common posts or comments, you soon realize that Fraud most times attract people who mistakenly think Fraud is Easy. It seems that most are seeking low effort ideas or methods. You see it in the questions they ask like "whats an EASY way to DRAIN an account" or whats an easy method to xyz...I hate to say it, but Fraud is NOT EASY. Or maybe I should say High Paying Fraud is NOT EASY. High Paying Fraud most times will take some form of REAL WORK, some form of INTELLIGENCE. The world sadly seem to be getting lazier by the day.

How do the PROs view FRAUD?
and when I say pros, I don't mean people who are here preaching about Fraud, I mean the true pros who are actively earning a high income from FRAUD. Sadly, there are people here that are viewed as pros, but they are far from that. That's why every now and then you see them get caught swimming with their pants down, scamming people for peanuts and getting their names dragged for relatively petty money.

The pros view FRAUD as a Profession. What would your mindset and attitude be for a 6-figure profession vs a low paying job? How would you approach or treat such profession? The pros wake up daily with a schedule of things to achieve for the day. The pros view Fraud as a High Paying Profession. And High Paying Professions require DISCIPLINE and GRIND. Success in any high paying professions does not happen overnight. Lasting success will require continuous improvements and practice. If you look at the highest paid athletes in the world, they continue to show up and practice regularly, attempting to improve themselves and their skills to meet the demand of the marketplace. Big money in Fraud demands all of that. If you think you will luckily stumble over some easy glitch that will make you fortunes, let me be the one to tell you that rarely happens if ever. The big money will take some serious work, effort, knowledge, discipline, network, humility, and much more.

So, I encourage you to see the bigger picture. If your ultimate goal is to earn some form of a high income in FRAUD, I encourage you to sit down, and draw an actual plan of what you want to achieve. Most people don't plan to fail, but they fail to plan, fail to study, fail to put real effort mastering their craft, hence why the failure rate in Fraud is very high especially with banks and consumers getting smarter. The old days of easy Fraud are probably over. I encourage to pick 1 or 2 categories in Fraud and learn all you can about them. Focus on them daily and seek high quality knowledge that will help you figure out how to succeed in them. If you want to be a carder, master all you can about carding such as carding setups, good bins, good vendors, etc... If you want to be great at bank logs, study everything you can about it. Practice daily if you can. That can be said for all the different tiers and categories of fraud. Master the basics, study, practice, go back to the drawing board and see where you can improve. There is enough quality knowledge right here on DREAD for just about any subject.

Elevate your vision of this space. Elevate your mindset. Elevate your work ethic. Success in Fraud is real. You don't have to be like most here who pretend. You don't need to be a low life gangster or wannabe gangster to win big in this space. You don't need to scam scammers. You can truly make multiple six figures a year or more in FRAUD against banks. It is truly possible if you invest the time, the effort, and yes, it will take money. Fraud is not free and is not cheap. And lastly, have a bigger exit strategy if you don't want to do Fraud forever. Start a legitimate business. Invest in safer long term things. Do some good deeds when you can.


User: /u/mevoy

Thank you brother. Really enjoyed reading your comment as well. Good luck to you in your endeavor!