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Are India Post letters scanned/xrayed? What about the future?

by /u/Criteria6245 · 0 votes · 2024-04-14 00:56:00

Just something I've been thinking about. As far as I know, they do not at the moment, probably just because the sheer amount of letters that are sent out everyday in this country. On the other hand, I wonder if there's a possibility of this changing? Scanning the volume of letters manually is virtually impossible but what about an automated AI based system? The USPS scans letters with seemingly no real guidelines on what packages qualify to be scanned, seems like its random or more common in the big cities over there.

I wonder if India will ever invest into this? Or is it just too small a fish for the Gov to give a shit about?

Honestly, I don't have a lot of insight on the inner-workings of India Post, so I'd appreciate some conversations on this topic :)

User: /u/deejmaheii

every mail will get scanned bro don't do any order or shipment till the election got over coz everywhere there is tight security and be safe and enjoy ur time till that