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Has anyone ever ordered from Big Jack aka

by /u/ClavinKein · 0 votes · 2024-03-05 06:39:00

It appears in the vendor superlist, and I've heard of people saying good things about them.

So are they still going strong? Do orders arrive, to Europe?

I'd much rather buy from escrow markets, but can't find what I need in any escrow market, only with this vendor.

I don't feel much much safe ordering just from some clearnet website where the minimum order is like 300 bucks.

User: /u/ZillaKami138

I'm considering ordering something from either Big Jack or longflourish--no domestic sources carry the compound of interest, unfortunately.I know both Big Jack and LF are on the approved vendor list, but would you recommend one over the other? The prices are identical for the product, but does one ship faster than the other? Better packaging/stealth for passing customs without issue? Or is it a wash?